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When I am creating attachment for my business object via code provided in solution:
ls_prop-name = 'DESCRIPTION'.
ls_prop-value = 'created by Tool'.
APPEND ls_prop TO lt_prop.
ls_prop-name = 'CREATED_BY'.
ls_prop-value = XXX - some one else other than sy-uname
APPEND ls_prop TO lt_prop.
CALL METHOD cl_crm_documents=>create_with_table
business_object = ls_bo
properties = lt_pro
properties_attr = lt_properties_attr
file_access_info = lt_file_info
file_content_binary = lt_file_content
raw_mode = 'X'
loio = ls_loio
phio = ls_phio
error = ls_error.
I meet with the error below: Characteristic of class CRM_L_DOC is not valid
I debugged a little and found it is caused because the content management code regards "CREATED_BY" field as read only ( protected field ) if internal mode is inactive.
I use where use list on the field internal_mode and found the FM below could activate internal mode with 02 passed into.
After I call that FM in my program, the error is gone and attachment could be created. Unfortunately, I still could not specify the created_by field, I find it is always filled as sy-uname in line 298.