Part 2: IA and SC
The second part in my blog series on typical installation related issues covers IA and SC.
If you are new to installing SAP Contact Center, follow closely SAP Contact Center Introductory Training, Parts 1 and 2 on SAP Service Marketplace for best results.
IA does not open
Check that you are running a supported version of Java.
IA cannot go online and shows “No connection to the node”
Check the following:
- Certificates have a key sign and have not expired.
- IA settings match you users, paths and certificates.
- You have chosen “Apply all changes to local system” on the node.
- SAP Contact Center HAC service is running with the correct admin user.
WIM file got accidentally overwritten with bad configuration
It may be possible to restore an older, working version of your system model from backups. Contact the system vendor for more information on how to do this.
All VUs are down
Check that:
- Certificate has not expired.
- SQL is running normally.
- HAC admin user’s password has not expired. If it has, do as follows:
- Change the new password to HAC service.
- Change the new password to Web VU: remove instance from host and add the instance again.
- Change the new password to SQL server, if run by the same user.
Some VUs do not start up, CDT is stuck in loading
Check the following:
- All prerequisite software has been installed. Note that every new SP may introduce new pre-requisite software!
- IP address bindings to hosts are added on every VU. If the bindings are missing, some of the VUs can start on a wrong NIC. Note that in some cases all VUs can even appear to run normally, but cannot communicate with each other! See the installation example for more information.
Missing IP address binding
- You have valid certificates set for VUs.
- You can also try to synchronize instances and apply changes to host again.
- You have correct IP addresses configured for the VUs and the IP addresses are not in use by some other software. Inactivate the VUs and ping the IP addresses to check. Note that you cannot have the same IP addresses in Production, QA and Development systems!
Web VU does not start
Check that:
- All IIS prerequisite software has been installed.
- The user account and password for running the web site is correct.
- When you check the website in the native IIS manager, do you see the content there? Can you "manually" start the website from IIS manager? If not, try to reinstall Website.
Integration VU has a yellow exclamation mark on it
Try the following to fix:
- When the ‘Integration Interfaces’ VU is installed the complete SAP Contact Center system needs to be restarted in order for the other components to update and start communicating with this VU. Review the OII log for any errors.
- Right click the Integration VU and choose Mark as repaired.
- The VU itself might be OK, but IIS health check might fail and this causes the VU to show in near failure status. Try to disable the health check: go to IA -> HAC Level -> integrations VU -> ACME_Integrations -> HTTP monitor -> status and health monitoring -> disable the option Get status and health from HTTP response.
- There is no chat server installed and that causes integration VU to show near failure. Completing chat server installation will make VU healthy again.
Administrator cannot log into SC – “Connection Failed try again later”
Check the following:
- Certificate is properly installed and valid.
- Your are running a supported Java version.
Virtual Unit stays bold, updating fails
When applying changes, error messages such as the following appear.
Changes cannot be applied
Check the following:
- Set VU role to Inactive before updating. Exe-files cannot be updated when in use.
- WIM file versions on different Nodes do not match. Set IA into Monitoring mode to allow Nodes to get updated with latest changes and retry.
General hints and tips for Infrastructure Administrator, HAC and Updating
- Always update IA and HAC first.
- For all update issues, check logs for additional information. Adjust Infrastructure Administrator log levels from Setting/Set local logging parameters -> Trace.
- Infrastructure Administrator: Choose Authenticate user locally first. If there are many nodes and all ask the same user credentials from AD, the user might get locked.
- If there were incorrect settings in IA, HAC needs to be restarted, because it might still have a wrong password, etc.
- Make sure you do the changes always on Virtual Unit level and not on the HAC Node level – apart from IP address binding to the Node.
- Do you have the same user for HAC and IA? If not, note that there are differences between Apply Changes to Local System and Apply Changes to Host.
- HAC Node suddenly fails and does not start again: Check that none of the VUs is assigned the physical IP address of the server.
The previous blog on certificates, SQL and prerequisites can be found here:
My next blog will be on typical CDT related issues.