Hello Everyone,
This blog is NOT valid after introduction of "cco\envLib" folder in FP13 version of SAP Customer Checkout. Kindly wait for this blog to be updated regarding handling of "cco\envLib" folder.
This blog post informs you about how to install multiple SAP Customer Checkout in the same machine, and how to update/upgrade them.
This blog focuses on SAP Customer Checkout only. For SAP Customer Checkout manager kindly read this blog
I will start first with the normal process and then get into the specifics. I will also explain you what each step in the normal process is doing, so that when i get into specifics, you understand why these steps needs to be done. And it is not as complicated as it sounds. Just follow the blog.
When you download SAP Customer Checkout from
SMP you get a .zip file and you extract the content of this zip file. It contains SapCustomerCheckout_2_0.exe file which you start executing to install SAP Customer Checkout.
This step of installing does 3 important things.
First, it makes an entry in the windows registry so that windows know that SAP Customer Checkout is installed, where it is installed, which version is installed etc. All these information can later be used to upgrade or uninstall.
Second, it copies the relevant files in the location that you selected during installation. The default location generally is C:\SapCustomerCheckout
Third, it creates a desktop icon on the desktop for SAP Customer Checkout, which when clicked basically executes the file C:\SapCustomerCheckout\run.bat
When you click on the desktop icon and start SAP Customer Checkout for the very first time, it knows that it is executing for the very first time. It creates a database(embedded open source Apache Derby database) where all data will be stored and prompts you in a browser window to enter the first configuration data(example PoS system ID, password for first Admin user etc). In this configuration page itself, you also enter the port on which SAP Customer Checkout is running. The default port is 9999. After your configuration and usage if you shut down SAP Customer Checkout and start it again(by click on the desktop icon), it knows that this is not the first time, database and all configuration already exists, hence it shows you directly the login page.You will notice in your browser window the port 9999(if not changed) where SAP Customer Checkout is running.
The database and the configuration files, everything is stored in specific folders inside the main installation folder C:\SapCustomerCheckout itself.
Now when you want to upgrade SAP Customer Checkout, you again download the new software from SMP and execute the newly downloaded SapCustomerCheckout_2_0.exe file. It checks the version of the software in the downloaded file, checks the version of the software from the windows registry entry, identified if a upgrade is possible and if yes, it copies the UPGRADE relevant files in the C:\SapCustomerCheckout\cco\updates folder and updates the windows registry etc. At this time an actual upgrade has not taken place. When SAP Customer Checkout is started the next time (by click on the desktop icon), it checks if an upgrade is available in the folder C:\SapCustomerCheckout\cco\updates and it verifies again if the version of the software in this folder is higher than the currently installed software. If an upgrade is possible then it upgrades SAP Customer Checkout, and you will notice that the files in the folder C:\SapCustomerCheckout\cco\updates vanishes.
I hope you understand the normal process and what each step is doing behind the scene.
Now if you want 1 more SAP Customer Checkout in the same machine, this is possible. However you need to know 2 important things.
1. The installation and upgrade can not be achieved using SapCustomerCheckout_2_0.exe directly like an installation or upgrade wizard.
2. This going to be new installation by default will start on port 9999, hence for the existing installation the port should be different. You can change the port of the existing installation by going to Settings -> Technical -> PoS System Settings -> Web -> PoS Port. Change the port to for example 9995, save and re-start SAP Customer Checkout. Verify in the browser URL, that you see the new port number instead of 9999.
To install a second SAP Customer Checkout, lets create a folder C:\SapCCO where we want to install just like the default folder for the first installation.
I downloaded the software from SMP and have the SapCustomerCheckout_2_0.exe file in the folder C:\Users\ABC\Downloads\SOFTWARE. Now extract/unzip the SapCustomerCheckout_2_0.exe file. Do not execute but extract. So the folder will look like the screenshot below.
Go into the folder CustomerCheckout and copy all files from CustomerCheckout into the C:\SapCCO so that the folder C:\SapCCO looks like the screenshot below.
Now you have everything ready. Click on the run.bat file, and SAP Customer Checkout will start. It will identify that this is started for first time(because some folders and files are missing). Like before creates a database inside this folder where all data for this installation will be stored and prompts you in a browser window to enter the first configuration data etc. After you finished all this, you have a second SAP Customer Checkout ready. Only difference compared to the first one, is that for this you do not have any entry in the windows registry(hence this cannot be un-installed using windows add/remove program), it cannot be upgraded using the usual process of executing SapCustomerCheckout_2_0.exe file and it does not have a desktop icon to start.
It is recommended that you can create a desktop icon, which points to the file C:\SapCCO\run.bat.
How to upgrade this second SAP Customer Checkout installed in the folder C:\SapCCO?
Download the new version from Service Market Place. Just like the way you unzipped the SapCustomerCheckout_2_0.exe for installation, also unzipped it for upgrade.
Now in the unzipped folder copy the relevant files(as in the screenshot below) from folder CustomerCheckout into the folder C:\SapCCO\cco\updates
After this if you re-start this SAP Customer Checkout, it will recognize that there is an update available. If an upgrade is possible based on version check, then SAP Customer Checkout will update. After the update the folder C:\SapCCO\cco\updates will be empty.
As a result now you have 2 SAP Customer Checkout fully ready to use. 1 has windows registry entry, and can be controlled using install/upgrade files and 1 where some manual steps as explained above are needed.
If you want to install a third SAP Customer Checkout, you need to repeat the same steps. Remember that there should not be a conflict in PORT numbers.
Also if multiple SAP Customer Checkout are running in the same system at the same time, the hardware requirements for the system is added up accordingly.
In this extensive blog, you have learnt how to install multiple SAP Customer Checkout in the same machine, and how to update/upgrade them.
Hope you enjoyed the blog. Best of luck with your SAP Customer Checkout journey.
Feel free to comment and give feedback about the blog.
About me:
My name is Bikash Bansal. I work for SAP SE, Germany. My current role is of Product Owner for SAP Customer Checkout.
You can find more blogs from me about SAP Customer Checkout
here .