When uploading a high volume of data into C4C via the Migration Workbench (MWB) performance is always an important aspect. The MWB supports various ways to support high-volume data loads, the most relevant ones being:
- Bundling: Multiple instances of an object (e.g. multiple customer records) can be uploaded with 1 webservice call
- Parallelization: Multiple parallel webservice calls can be performed at the same time
While the bundling factor is hard-coded per migration object (e.g. for accounts it is 10), the parallelization factor can be set by the key user within the MWB before the actual migration run. If it is not set explicitly, the default is 4. The below section describes how to adjust this factor which can result in a significant performance boost.
1) After accessing the staging area of the MWB, click on "You Can Also" in the top right corner. There you will find the option "Adjust Settings for Parallel Processing"

2) In the following popup you can adjust the parallelization factor. If you open it the first time you will see the global default, which is 4.

Raise this factor to increase the number of webservice calls which are executed by the MWB in parallel at any point in time. Note that for the customer upload internal tests have shown that a parallelization factor of 30 results in the best migration performance.