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This documents provides some details about how id mapping works for

  • ERP equipments and C4C registered products
  • ERP functional locations and C4C installation points

with the standard ERP integration with C4C.

The reason to write this document was to give some guidance to a customer project. The project starts with a custom integration for S/4HANA Enterprise equipments and functional locations to C4C and with a later shift to the standard integration as soon as this integration is available for S/4HANA Enterprise as well.

To ensure a smooth migration the most essential part of the custom integration is to do the id mapping right. Otherwise you may get duplicates in C4C after migrating to the standard content. Therefore here the explanation how it currently is done for ERP and will be done for S/4HANA Enterprise in future.

ERP equipments and C4C registered products

Here you see how the ERP equipment id is passed in to Cloud for Customer with the asynchronous inbound Registered Product Service payload.

The InstallationPointIDTypeCode field has to be set to 451 to state that the id is an ERP equipment id. The InstallationPointID field then contains the ERP equipment id.

The id mapping functionality in C4C then stores the mapping between the ERP equipment id and the C4C registered product id.

You find the id mapping in the administrator workcenter.

Here you see the ID mapping entry corresponding to the above payload.

If no id mapping record is found for the incoming ERP equipment id, a new registered product is created in C4C. Otherwise the existing registerd product - 164 in this case - is updated.

ERP functional locations and C4C installation points

For ERP functional locations the situation is a little little different. This is due to the data model in ERP. The id you see in the ERP UI may not be the technical identifier but an external id that is not even stable. This is due to the special functional location feature that you can define an edit mask for the functional location id that models the functional location hierarchy.

In the C4C asynchronouns inbound service payload you see one more id.

The first is the technical identifier from ERP. This time the InstallationPointIDTypeCode is 450 to state that this is an ERP functional location id. The InstallationPointID contains the technical ERP identifier. The AlternativeLabel contains the external ERP functional location id that is shown on the ERP UI.

This is stored as a data attribute in the C4C installation point and is shown in the C4C UI.

The id mapping in C4C for this example looks like this. Here the technical ERP id is used.