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Select the 'Help Center'

Here you have solution search options:

How-To Videos

Help Portal

In C4C

Community for SAP Cloud for Customer

Make SAP Cloud for Customer Better

How-to Videos:

Once you select this option, the link will bring you to the SAP Cloud for Customer YouTube page.

Here you can browse through many video tutorials, or you can search. To search click the magnifying glass.

It will open up a box for you to search in.

For example you will type 'Leads' and press enter.

You can now see all videos related to leas on the SAP Cloud for Customer YouTube page.

Help Portal

Here there is a lot of information for you to look at to find a solution.


What's New?

This section will bring you to a new page, with a list of 'What's New' in the newest release:

Choose your language:

After you choose a language, it will bring you here to this page.

How-To Videos:

This is another way to get to the SAP Cloud for Customer YouTube page, and view SAP's video tutorials.

SAP Cloud for Customer Solution Help

In this section you can search through different user guides to find solutions.

SAP Cloud for Customer Integration Help

This is a more topic-specific section based on Integration.

Simply select the integration feature you are having difficulty with to get help.

SAP Community Network (SCN)

This link will bring you to the SAP Community Network page where you can view

A wide range of different topics, from Customer questions with answers from qualified

SAP engineers, to searching through the database to connect with people within the SAP

Community Network.

This link will bring you to the main page. Here you can look at more

SAP products, get more information and see what SAP is doing now.

Community for SAP Cloud for Customer

Back in the Help Center, this is another link that will bring you to the SAP Community Network page where you can view a wide range of different topics, from Customer questions with answers from qualified SAP engineers, to searching through the database to connect with people within the SAP Community Network.

Make SAP Cloud for Customer better

If you have any ideas that you think should be in SAP Cloud for Customer, here is where you can tell us!

We have qualified SAP Product Developers checking these ideas, and seeing if they could be added in future releases.

You can also check if your idea has already been mentioned by another user.

How to search:

Enter your idea into this search box, and press enter.

Before you press enter, the search suggestions appear in a drop down menu.

If none of these suit, press enter.

You can see how many hits are in your result (i.e. in this example there are 1001). You can also see how many pages there are, and you can navigate using the 'Next' or 'Back' options, or the 'First' and 'Last' to navigate to the first page, or the last page.

Don’t see the idea you want listed? Add it:

On the main page, select 'View All Idea Sessions'

You will see a list of options, choose the one that best suits your idea. For this example 'Cloud' and 'SAP Cloud for Customer' will be used.

You will be brought to this screen, and if you are certain your idea does not already exist, select 'SUBMIT IDEA'.

Please make sure you are aware that this is a public forum, do not put any confidential or personal information here.

Enter an appropriate title, try and make it as clear as possible to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation.

Again, when attaching a photo be aware that this is a public forum.

You have the option to 'Save Draft' if you want to finish it at another time, or check again that your idea isn't already submitted.

You can 'Preview' what your idea will look like to the public, or you can select 'Cancel' to delete the idea.

Finally, select 'SUBMIT IDEA' once you are finished.

Once you have submitted your idea, you can track it, if you are unsure of what each process name stands for select 'HOW IT WORKS'

Scroll down to view more options.

Searching For Knowledge Base Articles:

In the Help Center, under ‘You Can Also’ you will see a link to report an incident (Please note this is in the HTML work space, which looks different to reporting an incident in the Silver Light work space) Fill in the relevant details and select Submit.

When the incident is opened in the Silverlight work space, you will see the menu below. Select ‘Start Solution Search’

You can then start searching for Knowledge Base Article solutions.