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Please refer the blog which explains :How-to create Z - Document Type and Status Schema in the Fine-Tune and its determination in Ticket processing ::-

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center ->Implementation Projects view.
  2. Select the current project and click on Open Activity List.
  3. Go to Fine-Tune and search for the activity name Tickets for Customer Support and open it.
  4. Click on hyperlink Maintain Status Schema.
  5. You can use the Default Status Schema "OR" you can create your own schema(Z Status Schema) .
  6. Once Z-Status Schema is added ,you can "Assign Status to your Schema" (and set Sort Sequence for them).

***** Please Note :: You can create your Z-Status too using a 'Maintain Status Dictionary Entries' hyperlink

with require 'Assignment Status' .For e.g. As I had created ZX and ZV with Assignment Status as Planner Action

and Provider Action respectively.

  1. Once Status Schema is maintain, close it and open another hyperlink i.e. Maintain Document Types .
  2. Here you can select existing Document OR created/Add your own Z-Document Type (For e.g. I created with

       name as ZCS - Document Type_CS) AND had assign Status Schema to it i.e. ZS - Customer Support


  • As you can see in the below screenshot:-

  1. Go to Service work center ->Tickets view ->Create New Ticket with Document Type as Document Type_CS.
  2. Maintain all the mandatory details and further Save and Open the newly created Ticket.

On Edit you can see the various status are shown in the drop-down option ,as was maintained in the Fine-Tune.

****Please Also Note(below Conditions) :When Planner Action / Provider Action related Status will not be listed

in the drop-down.

### 1 .Provider Action status not displayed if:-

• Ticket is Inconsistent

• Approval status is In Approval or Not Started or In Revision or Withdrawn.

• Ticket is Open or Completed or Closed

=>As you can see Provider Action is missing in above ticket -status drop-down ,because the status of Ticket was Open.

### 2. Planner Action status not displayed if:

• Ticket is Inconsistent.

• Ticket is Completed.