Please refer the blog which explains :How-to create Z - Document Type and Status Schema in the Fine-Tune and its determination in Ticket processing ::-
- Go to the Business Configuration work center ->Implementation Projects view.
- Select the current project and click on Open Activity List.
- Go to Fine-Tune and search for the activity name Tickets for Customer Support and open it.
- Click on hyperlink Maintain Status Schema.
- You can use the Default Status Schema "OR" you can create your own schema(Z Status Schema) .
- Once Z-Status Schema is added ,you can "Assign Status to your Schema" (and set Sort Sequence for them).
***** Please Note :: You can create your Z-Status too using a 'Maintain Status Dictionary Entries' hyperlink
with require 'Assignment Status' .For e.g. As I had created ZX and ZV with Assignment Status as Planner Action
and Provider Action respectively.
- Once Status Schema is maintain, close it and open another hyperlink i.e. Maintain Document Types .
- Here you can select existing Document OR created/Add your own Z-Document Type (For e.g. I created with
name as ZCS - Document Type_CS) AND had assign Status Schema to it i.e. ZS - Customer Support
- As you can see in the below screenshot:-
- Go to Service work center ->Tickets view ->Create New Ticket with Document Type as Document Type_CS.
- Maintain all the mandatory details and further Save and Open the newly created Ticket.
On Edit you can see the various status are shown in the drop-down option ,as was maintained in the Fine-Tune.
****Please Also Note(below Conditions) :When Planner Action / Provider Action related Status will not be listed
in the drop-down.
### 1 .Provider Action status not displayed if:-
• Ticket is Inconsistent
• Approval status is In Approval or Not Started or In Revision or Withdrawn.
• Ticket is Open or Completed or Closed
=>As you can see Provider Action is missing in above ticket -status drop-down ,because the status of Ticket was Open.
### 2. Planner Action status not displayed if:
• Ticket is Inconsistent.
• Ticket is Completed.