I have tried to download a customer from ERP to CRM via request download. After request download is finished, I saw error message in tcode SMW01:
The customer being download is created in tcode VD01 in ERP as below:
So I set a breakpoint in CRM validation module CRM_BUPA_MAIN_VAL mentioned in the error message, and found the error message is raised in line 34.
Although this customer is treated as organization ( category = 02 ) in CRM, however the PERSON flag is set as X, not the flag organizatn, so error message is raised.
In ERP, go to tcode SM30 and mark 0003 - Company as Organization using view V_TSAD3:
Then change the title of customer from Ms to Company.
Now perform request download once again and this time download is successful:
The downloaded business partner could be found in CRM tcode BP: