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You want to change the standard E-mail texts from the Sales Quote Output.

  1. Go to the Sales work center.

  2. Go to the Sales Quotes view.

  3. Select & open any sales quote.

  4. Go to the Output tab.

  5. Click on Actions -> Edit Output Settings.

  6. Go to the E-Mail Text tab where you find the standard E-Mail text.


You can create your own HTML template to change the standard text of the Sales Quote Output & Replace the standard template with your customized template.

Steps to create an HTML template:

  1. Open a Notepad.

  2. Enter the e-mail text as per your requirement.

  3. Click on Save as.

  4. Save the file with .html extension

Steps to upload the HTML template:

  1. Go to Application and User Management in Silverlight UI.

  2. Select Form Template Maintenance view.

  3. Select the form (Sales Quote) for which you want to change the e-mail text.

  4. Click on Actions and select the Created e-mail template.

  5. Browse and select the e-mail template that you have created (.html file) and click on Ok.

Now when you open the Sales Quote "Edit Output Settings" you will be able to see the changed e-mail texts (i.e from Custom Template created).

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you Suman for the documentation! I have 2 questions:

-Can you give a example of the code in notepad?

-The country you select is the country where company implemented (organizational management)?

Best regards,

Bruno Tiago

0 Kudos

Hi Bruno,

-Can you give a example of the code in notepad?

Reply: You can use simple notepad text and save it HTML format.




Thank You fo showing your intrest in the product.

Based upon your enquiry we are sending you the quote.

Please get back to us ( in case of further queries.

Best Regards


However I am already aware about the issue you are facing due to the special character.

It seems to be the problem with the language settings or OS, please follow-up with the support team with the incident you already have created.

- The country you select is the country where company implemented (organizational management)?

Reply: The country here is the Account Counter, e.g. you want to add a separate template for all your German Customers, then you need to attach it to the Form where template is Germany.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you Suman!

Im trying to understand my error but the problems still exists. I will have a meeting at on February 1 regarding my incident. My text turns in ### with accentuation and ç.

Best regards,

Bruno Tiago

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Suman,

thank you for this useful article.

I have a question; how can I define the e-mail subject?

Thanks and regrads Kathrin

0 Kudos

Hi Kathrin,

Unfortunately E-mail subject cannot be defined. For the quotes system takes the Seller ID & Document ID as subject. You have an option to change it manually in the quote output setting.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you for your reply.

Regards Kathrin

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Suman,

I have another question.

Is it possible to set in the e-mail text a placeholder for the involved parties (tab "involved parties" in the sales quote)?
For example, I have an involved party with the custom role "office duty". I want to display in the e-mail text the name, the phone number and the e-mail address from this involved party.

Are these placeholders available?

Regards Kathrin

0 Kudos

Hi Kathrin,

Sorry I am not aware of it.

Could you please raise this question as a separate thread?



Former Member
0 Kudos
Hello Suman,

Do i understand it correctly that C4C actually has a standard template?

When i look in the Form template maintenance none of my Forms has "Yes"  in the E-mail Template column. Still i get a text in the Outpus settings on a Quote.

Can you confirm this? If yes i guess the only way to overwrite this is to create my own Template and attach to the Form template in use?

Best regards Fredrik
0 Kudos
Hi Fredrik,


Your understanding is correct. You to create your custom E-mail template and attach it to the Standard Quote Form. This is same for other standard forms as well.



Former Member
0 Kudos
Dear Suman,

In Sap Cloud Applications Studio there is a Enhancement Implementation like "ModifyOutboundEMailSubject".

Did You try this option ?

Is this enhacement implementation related to the Sales Quote email subject changes ?

Best Regards,
