SAP Cloud for Customer allows Key Users to create Extension fields of type List and Multi Value List through KUT Adaptation changes. Fields of type List and Multi Value List appear as Drop-Down Lists on the UI.
Fields of Type List allow End Users to select one value from the Drop Down List at a time.
Whereas, Fields of Type Multi Value List allows End Users to select Multiple values from the Drop Down List at a time
This blog shows how to create such fields and maintain values for them.
Steps for Creating Extension field of Type List or Multi Value List
- Enter Adaptation Mode and hover over the part of screen where you want to Add the New field
- Click on Add Button and Select the option ‘Add Field’
- Now click on the ‘+ New Field’ button
- The create New Extension field dialog box opens
- Give the required Label name to the field and select the Type as ‘List’ or ‘Multi Value List’
- Enter the Value that you would like to see in Drop Down List in the Description box
** It is mandatory for you to enter description for minimum one row for the Extension Field to be created
Steps for Adding values from UI
- Enter Adaptation Mode and go to Field Definition
- Click on Add Row for entering a single code list value to Add Value to the list
- You can also maintain multiple language translations for List values by Adding Row to Screen Texts for each language and then adding row for each Description for List Value for the respective Language
- Save your changes and test your list values by login with maintained logon language

Steps for adding Values using Excel .CSV file
- Click on Download and save the .csv file . Add entries in .csv file.
- Make sure that you do not change the order of columns or change the names of the column header.
- Add Code and respective description for each language maintained.
- Save your changes as CSV (Comma Delimited).
- Navigate back to Field Definition screen, click on Upload and you get a popup to select a csv file from your local PC.
- Click on Save. The upload gets triggered and the values are uploaded.
- Now you can go out of adaptation mode and you can see the values in dropdown after the upload.
Points to remember for maintaining Code and Description values for List and MultiValue List:
- Only Alphanumeric Characters and 2 special charaters are allowed as value for Code and Description i.e Alphabets, Numbers, Hyphen (-) and Underscore (_).
- Make sure that the format of csv file is not changed and add the values in same format in columns ABCD. Values in Columns ABCD should not be interchanged.
- Make sure that the description does not exceed the data base length which is 128 characters.
- When you save the csv file after adding new values, save the file with.csv extension with comma delimited.
- If there are multiple languages defined by key user, then Screen texts should be maintained for all languages and the descriptions as well to be maintained for each language (EN, DE, FR etc.) .
- If any value is inconsistent then upload will not work.
- No delta upload can be done. Always download the existing values from Field Definition and then update the existing one or add new entries in the excel, after that, upload the excel with complete list.
- At any point, only 1000 code values are allowed. If a key user tries to upload more than 1000 code values, then an error is thrown saying “Upload failed; the code list value has exceeded 1000 entries”.
- Field definition can hold maximum 300 code values and more than that the code values will not be visible in field definition instead you will be able to see all the values upon Downloading the CSV file.