When configuring SAP Cloud for Customer integration with SAP ERP you will use either SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (or PO if you have upgraded so SAP Netweaver Process Orchestration) or SAP HANA Cloud Integration.
Before starting the integration you should download the integration guide from the service marketplace This integration guide is our official documentation for the integration. In the guide is a checklist that summarizes all the steps you need to do. Additionally, if you are new to SAP Cloud for Customer you will want to download the Administration guide found at help.sap.com.
We also have this step-by-step how to guide that walks through the key steps with screen shots. This can be used in conjunction with the integration guide.
How to Configure SAP Cloud for Customer and SAP ERP using SAP HANA Cloud Integration
Finally, you can also use the youtube playlist for SAP Cloud for Customer integration with ERP.
The combination of the integration guide, how-to guide, and you-tube videos enable you to configure this either by reading the documentation, viewing an example with screenshots, or watching the videos as you do the configuration!