Growing a healthy prospect list is an ongoing endeavor for the modern marketer. Today, SAP Virtual Agency is offering a helping hand in that task through newly available web page syndication templates.
Web page syndication (WPS) allows partners to publish SAP materials at no cost. It’s a great way to continually provide fresh content to site visitors and drive additional traffic through unique, in-depth content on a variety of solutions and advancements.
The Benefits
Through web page syndication, partners are able to access and promote a wide range of topics, integrated directly within their websites. This includes:
By embracing WPS through SAP Virtual Agency, partners are able to capture more leads and attract more visitors. A little more on these key benefits:
1. Lead Capture
Our WPS templates allow partners to capture specific, useful data about who is downloading and reading content. All of the eligible content is gated, meaning prospects must submit their information to download. This gives partners a usable database of contact information for potential customers.
2. Increased Traffic
WPS is also a convenient way to bring more visitors to a website. By housing the latest SAP content — refreshed with minimal effort — partners can solidify themselves as reliable sources of leading industry thought leadership and research. Our new templates are specially designed to provide a cleaner look and feel, offering smoother integration with a variety of web sites.
Learn More!
To explore this opportunity and dive deeper into the subject of web syndication with SAP, check out
this video. Your contact list will be growing in no time!
SAP Virtual Agency is our free online demand-management platform designed with partners in mind. Its 360-degree view of your marketing efforts allows you to easily implement professionally crafted digital marketing. Get started today!