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Error 1: Output type ZF12 does not contain any PDF form types 

User is getting the error while clicking the PDF link Icon.

Open Sales Order ABC --> Go to the Document Flow --> Open the XYZ  --> click on the PDF Icon


Probable Reason/ Root Cause:

In customer system for output type ZFI2 this entry is missing and form type entry as PDF was missing hence C4C was not able to retrieve PDF.

How to Fix:

  1. Login to the ERP/CRM backend & open the T-Code: NACT

2.  Select output type & press Display

3.  Select Output Type as ZF12 (As per error message received in C4C screen)


4. Press Position.


5. Select Processing routines  & the press ENTRY under FORM routine 


6. You will find PDF/Smart Form & Form Type is empty.


You need to update the same to resolve the error.

Updated Record:


Error 2: Output type COD1 does not contain a SAPScript form

Description: Issue exists in Opportunity Sales document flow -PDF , Sales document flow (pdf) not updating against opportunity and getting above error.


Root Cause:

One of the probable root cause is customer are using Z program for output ZBAO which is not returning any value while call from C4C.

You can debug C4C call by putting external breakpoint with user CODINTEG in FM ERP_LORD_GET_PRINT_PREVIEW.


You need to adjust the program to make this work.