This document covers
Frequently Asked Questions related to Facebook integration with SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer.
1. You are not able to create the Facebook Social Channel.
- Steps to reproduce:
Administration work center ->
Service & Social view ->
Social Media Channels -> Create a new channel for
Facebook (Add
ID, Secrete, Date, Log Level, Direct Message) ->
Connect with
Channel -> Login to the
Facebook page -> Select
Get Account Details -> No account get picked.
Cause: You are logged into the different
Facebook account.
Solution: Open Both
C4C & Facebook in different tab of the same browser -> Logout from the existing
Facebook account/page -> Re-login to the respective/correct
Facebook account ->
Try the step
Connect with Channel from
2. Error Social media provider ID is required occurs when you are trying to set-up the Facebook channel.
- Make Sure that your
Client ID & Secrete are correct.
3. How to enable Direct Messaging in Facebook.
- Go to the
Business Configuration Scoping ->
Questions ->
Service Request Management -> Scope the question
Do you want to Support Direct messages for Facebook.
- Once above scoping is completed, do the required changes in the
Facebook Channel:
Configure how Facebook Direct Messages are handled.
3. Missing Facebook posts and Comments in C4C.
- The missing posts and comments may be due to the privacy settings of the customer on
Facebook allows every user to define the security (visibility) of posts and comments that are published on Facebook.
If end users decide to enable "
extreme privacy settings", i. e. turn off the platform and therefore block access to all 3rd party apps and integration,their comments and posts cannot be imported into Cloud for Customer. A customer may report this as an issue with the product, since these comments and posts are visible on the Facebook wall but not in the Queue or Agent workspace.
4. There are no messages being imported. But your Facebook page has many comments and posts.
- You have not scoped the
Direct Messaging feature in Business Configuration scoping, however enabled it for processing channel set-up.
- Solution:
Administrator ->
Service and Social ->
Social Media Channels -> Choose the
Channel ID -> For the
Direct Messages link, choose the option
Do Not Process from the drop-down ->
5. When replying a ticket, the system shows the following error message:
The following HTTP error occurred in the social media adapter: :message#(#100) Error finding the requested story#type#"OAuthException","code"100.
- You are trying to reply a message in the
Facebook, however the message was already deleted from Facebook side, hence the message: Error finding the requested story.
Since the message was already deleted from Facebook, the ticket can be
Set as Irrelevant.
6. When posting a message as a reply to a Facebook ticket an error occurs: Application limit reached.
- The limit is reached because the same app is being used by many channels at the same time and Facebook puts a throttle on the usage.
Create a new app and use that to connect some of the channels, thereby distributing the load on the app.
7. You created a ticket from Facebook Direct Message, but the attachments are not reflected.
- This feature is not supported yet. This is the standard system behavior.
8. When an already existing Individual Customer changes his name on Facebook and opens another ticket afterwards, the account name of the individual customer is not updated.
- This is the expected system behavior.
The system recognizes the Facebook profile and keeps the original account name but updates the information in the Social Information section of the individual customer account, instead of creating a new individual customer.
9. Import Run created for the social media channel Facebook stays in In Process status and does not get finished.
Errors in log:
A runtime error occurs for channel, raise an incident.
Errors in log:
Number of new social media activities created for channel ABC: 0.
Number of new user profiles created for channel ABC: 0.
Number of new service requests created for channel ABC: 0
Failed to lock social media provider root node ID YYY (YYY represents the root node ID).-> The problem is related to the amount of data that the Import Run is trying to extract, which is in turn connected to the start date set in the Import Run.
- Cloud for Customer (C4C) is designed to support engagement, and is therefore optimized to extract a limited number of messages per import run.
We recommend you set the start date of the import run to max 2-3 days in the past
10. An individual customer has been created twice in the system, with two different ID’s and the same Facebook account.
- This issue typically happens when two Facebook applications are used to connect to
Cloud for Customer. In this the case
Facebook masks users across applications. This is a
Facebook privacy feature.
Recommendation is to use only one
Facebook application to connect to
Cloud for Customer. For the duplicate customers, you have to mark one as obsolete.
11. How does Cloud for Customer ensure all Social Media messages are extracted?
e.g. Facebook posts/messages created when C4C system is down.
Cloud for Customer is for technical reasons not able to extract social media messages at the pre-configured extraction times.
As soon as the system is able to extract messages again all messages not yet extracted are extracted.
Cloud for Customer uses a time marker for each social media message to ensure all messages are replicated to the system.
12. Unable to configure custom social media message import run on Cloud for Social Engagement.
- This is expected system behavior.
Cloud for Social Engagement supports batch extraction only for channels supported by the solution
Facebook, Twitter and
Social Media Analytics.
For custom channels,
Cloud for Social Engagement cannot extract messages. You will have to write your own extractor to search and find messages from the external source,
and post them into Cloud for Social Engagement using the webservice APIs. This is explained in the document Developing a custom channel in the online help center.
13. Deletion of Social Media Messages coming from custom Social Media Channel.
- Deletion of
Social Media Messages coming from a custom
Social Media Channel is not supported.
14. All photographs and comments of album posted on Facebook page are not replicated to Cloud for Customer.
- This is the expected behavior of
Cloud for Customer. Currently we do not handle the posts from the album in C4C.
15. FB Import runs - FB API restriction:
In one run, we cannot imoprt more than 25,000 comments or replies.
This limittaion is imposed by FB.
However, if there are any new posts that generate large number of comments, and if import job runs intermittently then we should be able to pull those.
Eg: A new post generated 10,000 comments in first 10 min, then import runs fetches those comments. Same post in next 10 min generate another 20,000,
then next import run can import those and similarly many more. However, at one point, import runs cannot fetch more than 25,000 posts.That is a FB API limitation.
16. You get Error Message when trying to reply to a Facebook Direct Message from Ticket:
The external service provider 'ABC' reported the following error: :message#Invalid reply thread id#type#"OAuthException","code"504,"error_subcode"1545025,"is transient"false,"error_user_title""Invalid Thread Id","error user msg""The thread you're trying to access is not valid
- Cause: The original direct message was deleted from Facebook; if the message is deleted then the C4C cannot find it's instance in Facebook, hence it raise the error message.
17. Generic Steps of Facebook Integration:
18. How to Create a Marketing Lead in SAP Cloud for Customer from a Facebook promotion