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In this blog let's examine the content of the HCI package SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central.

Before you can configure these iFlows make sure to activate the required scoping and Questions in C4C Business Configuration. The HCI mediated Employee replication uses the communication arrangement Employee Replication from SAP Business Suite which has the inbound service Replicate Employee from SAP Business Suite as shown below

Take a note of the system ID under My communication Data, we would need this later when we configure the HCI iFlows.

As mentioned in the last blog There are two iFlows inside the SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central package.

1. Replicate Employee from SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
2. Replicate Employee manually from SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central

Prerequisite before configuring the the iFlows

1. You have deployed required user credentials for SuccessFactors Employee Central system.
2. In case you plan to configure basic authentication from HCI to C4C, then you need deploy the user credentials for C4C. If you plan to use client certificate based authentication then no credentials needs to be deployed for C4C system

Replicate Employee from SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central iFlow requires the following configuration

Open the Integration Flow configuration using the action button via the web interface

Step 1 : Configure the timer event . This will decide how often the Integration Flow will run to fetch the data from Employee central system

Step 2: Configure the receiver systems

• Using the Receiver drop down Select the receiver channel for Employee Central (EC_CE_API_QUERY)

We recommend for large employee load to set the maxRows to 500 and Page Size to 800 .
Note : Do not change/remove the agent=C4CIntHCI from the Parameters

• Using the Receiver drop down Select the receiver channel for Cloud for Customer (C4C)

In case of authentication is Basic select the corresponding authentication using the drop down and provide the C4C credential name

Step 3: Configure the external parameters as explained below

Receiver_ID: C4C Receiver Communication system ID (My System ID as explained earlier).

Sender_ID: C4C Sender Communication system ID

Transmission_Start_Date: This is the date based on which employee will be pulled from Employee central system for the initial load. After the initial load, the iFlow will automatically run in delta mode and will pull employee from last successful run. Please provide the date as per the format provided. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SSZ

Enable_Logging: If you set this field to true then in the MPL, you can see the employee records pulled from EC inform of attachment. It is only useful for debugging and in production we advise to set it to false (default value).

Save and deploy your iFlow

There is a third iFlow Replicate Employee manually from SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central, which is optional and only required in case you need to pull employee data for individual employees. The configuration is identical to the integration Flow Replicate Employee from SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central, except in the configuration you need to provide a comma-separated list of employees as shown below. Please note you need to surround each id with single quotes ‘’. Example: '47798','47799','5000' and for a single employee ‘47798’

One final note, let's say you want to re trigger the initial load for some reason after the iFlow is already deployed in the past and is now running in delta mode. This can only achieved with Administration authorization. To achieve the same open the integration operation perspective using eclipse or web ui and navigate to Data Store viewer tab. There in case the iFlow Replicate Employee from SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central is already running in delta mode then you should see an entry GV_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE under the data store sap_global_store as shown below. Deleting the GV_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE entry, will automatically make the iFlow run in initial load mode in the next pulling cycle i.e. all employees will be pulled from EC again and replicated to C4C staging area.

That's it for this part. In the next part we will see how to do an extension using the mediated approach for Employee replication from EC to C4C.