This blog was originally posted in July 2016. The information published is not current anymore, because meanwhile a standard solution for embedding the contact factsheet into Cloud for Customer is available. |
As published it is possible embed the Hybris Marketing Contact and Corporate Account Factsheet into the C4C Factsheet for Contacts or Customers in SAP Hybris Marketing on-premise Scenarios. In addition it is now also possible to embed the Fact Sheets for an SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud deployment. However in this case one has to use URL-MashUp instead HTML-MashUp in order to open the Hybris Marketing Cloud Factsheet in a separate Browser Tab/Window.
In order to do so follow also the steps which are described in the SCN Document, but deviating from that consider the following differences in the implementation:
- In step 3 "Creating a new Mashup in your C4C System" use a MashUp of Type URL for the definition. It has to look as follows
- Instead step 8 apply "Enable the URL MashUp" as follows
- Position Cursor within the Default Section
- Select the corresponding URL-Mashup from the list:
- If the Contact or Individual Customer Factsheet shall be enhanced, select the Mashup which has been defined for the Hybris Marketing Contact
- In case the Account Factsheet shall be enhanced, select the Mashup which has been defined for the Hybris Marketing Corporate Account
- Mark the mashup as visible
- Apply the Mashup.
When opening the C4C Factsheet it will look as follows:
Finally one has to define the needed access for the Sales Representatives to Hybris Marketing Cloud:
Therefore logon to the Marketing Cloud System as Administrator to access Identity and Access Management". Open the App “Maintain Business Roles”.
Use the Business Role Template SAP_BR_SALES_REP_MKT_INFO to
define the needed Business Role for access to the Marketing System by means of the business catalog SAP_CEC_BC_MKT_CFS. Finally assign the Business Role to the Business User, which have been defined
for the Sales Representatives.