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This blog was originally posted in July 2016. The information published is not current anymore, because meanwhile a standard solution for embedding the contact factsheet into Cloud for Customer is available.

As published it is possible embed the Hybris Marketing Contact and Corporate Account Factsheet into the C4C Factsheet for Contacts or Customers in SAP Hybris Marketing on-premise Scenarios. In addition it is now also possible to embed the Fact Sheets for an SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud deployment. However in this case one has to use URL-MashUp instead HTML-MashUp in order to open the Hybris Marketing Cloud Factsheet in a separate Browser Tab/Window.

In order to do so follow also the steps which are described in the SCN Document, but deviating from that consider the following differences in the implementation:


  • In step 3 "Creating a new Mashup in your C4C System" use a MashUp of Type URL for the definition. It has to look as follows



  • Instead step 8 apply "Enable the URL MashUp"  as follows

    • Position Cursor within the Default Section

    • Select the corresponding URL-Mashup from the list:

      • If the Contact or Individual Customer Factsheet shall be enhanced, select the Mashup which has been defined for the Hybris Marketing Contact

      • In case the Account Factsheet shall be enhanced, select the Mashup which has been defined for the Hybris Marketing Corporate Account

    • Mark the mashup as visible

    • Apply the Mashup.


When opening the C4C Factsheet it will look as follows:


Finally one has to define the needed access for the Sales Representatives to Hybris Marketing Cloud:

Therefore logon to the Marketing Cloud System as Administrator to access Identity and Access Management". Open the App “Maintain Business Roles”.

Use the Business Role Template SAP_BR_SALES_REP_MKT_INFO to define the needed Business Role for access to the Marketing System by means of the business catalog SAP_CEC_BC_MKT_CFS. Finally assign the Business Role to the Business User, which have been defined for the Sales Representatives.