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SAP Hybris Commerce has included SAP Hybris Marketing integration since version 5.3.

It started with personalized campaign content, then grew to product recommendations, master and  transactional data replication, and then in the 6.5 release, offer recommendations and clickstream data capture. Along the way, existing feature sets were improved and expanded upon. With SAP Hybris Commerce 6.5, you get the most up-to-date functionality for driving sales and gathering customer data.

But what if you’re integrating SAP Hybris Marketing with an earlier version of SAP Hybris Commerce?

This is a common predicament, and it produces the following dilemma: incur steep effort costs to upgrade, or forego the integration benefits included in later releases of SAP Hybris Commerce.

For SAP Hybris Commerce 6.5 we executed a strategy on the Marketing integration extensions to address this problem. The strategy allows you to use the latest 6.5 extensions with versions 6.0 to 6.4 of SAP Hybris Commerce. By following the installation and configuration steps provided below, you can leverage all the features from the 6.5 version of the SAP Hybris Marketing integration.


Note that you can use this downport process with the Expressway download package, which allows you to send master and transactional data directly from SAP Hybris Commerce to SAP Hybris Marketing. For more information, see SAP Hybris Commerce to SAP Hybris Marketing Integration via the Expressway.

Note also that due to the challenges involved in making SmartEdit enhancements available across releases, you must use the WCMS Cockpit for all Marketing integration activities.


How to Install and Configure

  1. Download SAP Hybris Commerce 6.5 patch 1 or higher (HYBRISCOMM6500P_X-XXXXXXXX.ZIP) from, and extract it to your desktop.

  2. In your current version of SAP Hybris Commerce, remove the extensions related to SAP Hybris Marketing integration. Specifically, if present, remove the following folders:





    If you downloaded any other extensions for Marketing integration, for example the extension that came with the initial downloadable Clickstream package, delete those too.

  3. Copy the following folder from the 6.5 patch to your version of SAP Hybris Commerce: \hybris\bin\ext-integration\ymkt

  4. Optional: Remove the \hybris\bin\ext-integration\ymkt\sapymktsync folder, and replace it with the corresponding folder in the Expressway download.

  5. Add the following extensions to the \hybris\config\localextensions.xml file:

    b2cbtgaddon (for versions 6.1 to 6.4 only)

  6. Add the following to the file:
    sapymktcommon.odata.url.root=<root path of the SAP Hybris Marketing server>
    sapymktcommon.odata.url.user=<technical user for SAP Hybris Marketing>
    sapymktcommon.odata.url.password=<password associated with the technical user>

  7. Install the required AddOns using one of the following commands, depending on your version of SAP Hybris Commerce:
    Version 6.0:

    ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="recentvieweditemsaddon,sapprodrecoaddon,hybrisanalyticsaddon,eventtrackingwsaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="yacceleratorstorefront"

    Versions 6.1 to 6.4:
    ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="recentvieweditemsaddon,sapprodrecoaddon,hybrisanalyticsaddon,eventtrackingwsaddon,b2cbtgaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="yacceleratorstorefront"

  8. Use the following command to update the system: ant updatesystem

