This blog is designed to help in understanding the concept of how Similar Ticket and Solution Finder works in Cloud for Customer.
Similar Tickets: System searches and return the tickets matching with the text which is entered in search area.
Solution Finder: System searches KB articles with respective to the issue reported in the service ticket with the help of Mind Touch integration or JAM integration.
Now coming to the question most of us have in regards to how the Search and Reset button in Similar tickets and Solution Finder works.
When you open any ticket there are no "similar tickets" shown (this is done for performance reasons), Now if you click on "Search" without any text in it - it would simply run a search on empty "" string >>and an empty "" string would return the tickets of the same customer / employee (for which the current ticket is reported for). Same thing happens when you press the "reset" button in Similar Ticket - it would simply run a search on empty "" string.This is very well an intended behavior.
The way Solution Finder works is different than the Similar tickets. When you press reset button in solution finder,it looks for the tags that have been generated for the ticket under observation- the tags are generated during the initial ticket generation using text analysis (it parses the subject and description from the ticket to generate tags) or could be later added to the ticket in the UI itself.
Even in Solution Finder, clicking on reset button twice (or thrice for that matter) would not eliminate the results if there were any tags generated for the ticket - it would simply keep returning the solutions based on the tags. If however, If there are no tags for a ticket, it would of course eliminate any text and return an empty solution set.
With this we come to the end of this blog which explains the difference between similar ticket ad solution finder option in Cloud for Customer.