In addition to the official product documentation on SAP Help Portal:, we offer you SAP BCM 7.0 Knowledge Base Articles. These articles provide answers to special cases, and they will be later incorporated as a part of the official documentation when applicable. You need an authorized (SAP Service MarketPlace) user ID to access this information.
Please see SAP BCM 7.0 Knowledge Base Master Note 1867297 that lists all available articles. Here You can find a lot of “how to” and FAQ type of information related to SAP BCM 7.0 software configuration, for example
- SAP BCM 7.0 integration configuration with SAP CRM 7.0
- IVR sample applications that provides IVR sample repository in order to start building Your own IVR applications like recording and activating queue prompts on the fly (Disturbance IVR), identify callers by A-Number or given ID number or even customizable callback IVR. "IVR Development Guide" helps you with additional IVR topics such as SOAP server, Python language and IVR troubleshooting.
- NAT configuration examples
- Extending SAP BCM 7.0 certificate validity time
- Multiple troubleshooting related tips and hints
SAP has also a great search engine called xSearch. You can find this engine on SAP Help Portal or the SAP Service Market Place support page => Help & Support. For example, you need information about how the Call Attached Data can be used and configured with SAP BCM:
1. 1. Use key words such as BCM CAD.
2. 2. Choose Go .
On the left hand panel you got search results divided to repositories as notes and documents, basically all sources where to find relevant information for your query... handy, isn't it?
Hope You find this information useful! We truly appreciate your feedback and further improvement ideas: Please connect to your SAP BCM representative and they will forward your feedback to SAP BCM Product Development Team for further processing. To comment our application help documentation, you can also use the Feedback link that is available on every help page above the title.