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Use Case: Workflow adminitrator should be able to decide the date/time format and timezone for date/time fields in the e-mail being sent out as part of Workflow. Its possible that ADMIN is one timezone but recipients are in different timezone, and hence it makes sense to send email with date/time in end-users timezone/format.

In Workflow Rule of type E-mail, if a placeholder has been configured to fill data such as Date / Time, then during the sending of E-mail following Sequence are followed to determine the FORMAT of date/time & timezone while filling such field.

Date-time format determination follows the following sequence:

    1. From Identity/Business User Settings of the Recipient , if available

    2. If not available in identity, should be taken from Workflow rule corresponding to the language/template picked.

    3. If the Recipient does not have User in the System nor any Date/Time Format is defined in the Workflow Rule, then the Default UTC Time Zone will be used while sending E-mails.

Scenario 1) From Identity/Business User Settings of the Recipient


Here a placeholder #CHANGEDON# is used, which would be filled by APPOINTMENT DUE DATE. Below is Date time setting for Recipient (in this case ‘Michael Johnes’ )

  1. Trigger the Workflow Rule to send Email to Michael Johnes , by Changing something on the appointment and SAVE

The Due Date in appointment ID 59426 is 2016.11.08 11.30 AM.   The email received By Michael Johnes is in DD.MM.YYYY UTC+1 ( Format which is defined in the Personal Setting of Michael Johnes )

Incase user maintains a different Date/Time Format & Timezone, while defining Workflow Rule, the email received By the recipient would be "Format defined in the personal setting" of  the user(UTC+1) . The Personal Date/time setting takes precedence over the Time Format defined in the Workflow Rule.

Scenario 2) Date/ Time Format from the Workflow Rule defined during rule creation

This will take effect if there is NO Date/Time Format maintained in Users Personal settings. Define the Date/Time Format AND/OR Timezone during Workflow Rule Creation. In this case Date/Time Format defined in the Workflow Template is taken into consideration

The E-mail received in this case  will follow the Time Zone/ Time Format, defined in the Workflow Rule.

Scenario 3)  Recipient doesn’t have a user in the System (which means No USER specific Date/Time Setting) and NO Date / Time Format is defined in the Workflow Rule.

In such scenario, The Default UTC Date/Time Format is taken into consideration.