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Product and Topic Expert


When searching activity with CREATED ON, user in different countries may find different results


Reproducing the Issue

  1. Logon to WebUI with business role SALESPRO

  2. Search an activity with Search Criteria “Created on is on or later than” for example 2016.07.01

  3. In the result list, there are some documents which was has the system date 2016.06.30 returned

  4. The where clause (it_where) shows:




This is standard design

The time zone of the user is what is taken to do the conversion

In the Function Module CRM_BSP_OIC_1O_SEARCH_FROM_RF, the Form EXTEND_QUERY_FOR_MULTIVALUES will be called. In Form from line 2667 the create_at_range will be handled. Here, there is a conversion using the user time zone.

As orders are stored in the system as UTC time, so if users in UTC+8 time search with “GE Created on is on or later than” 2016.07.01, they will get orders with date started from 2016.06.30 22:00.


if ls_created_at-option = 'GT' or ls_created_at-option = 'LE'.

convert date lv_date time lc_end_time

into time stamp ls_created_at-low time zone sy-zonlo.




525003 - Locator: Time output in UTC

934266 - Problems with time zones and displayed times in 1Order