Introduction to Customer Interaction Center
The Customer Interaction Center (CIC) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year in six different locations across the globe.
SAP is committed to providing the very best in Customer Support. A key part of the support infrastructure is the Customer Interaction Center, which provides a central point of contact for our customers and partners. CIC can assist with non-technical queries such as:
SAP One Support Launchpad
Support users should exclusively utilize the Launchpad to access available support tools and applications such as:
- User management
- Incident management
- Knowledge Base Search
- Software Download Centre
- License Key Requests
- System Data maintenance
- Remote Service Requests
CIC will gladly assist you with the navigation of any of these tools and talk you through each function step by step if you encounter any difficulty or confusion.
Webcasts / Info Sessions
We also offer Webcasts on various Support topics in multiple languages on a regular basis.
These sessions provide an overview of the key support resources and tools available to you and what information is needed to successfully engage with our support organization.
All sessions are followed by Q&A with CIC experts.
You can avail of these sessions in 2 ways:
- Webinar/ One-to-Many session
Register for live Support Webinars here:
Webinar Replays on Demand here:
Q&A via chat throughout the session as well as a live Q&A at the end of the webinar
For more information, don’t miss
Customer Interaction Center Support Webinars
- One-on-one Enablement Sessions
If you would prefer to have a dedicated/tailored session for your company, we’ll be happy to set up a meeting. To request this session, please reach out to your SAP Point of Contact or
Contact CIC
Incident Support
CIC can guide you through the Incident creation process and follow-up (status update/speed-up/edit priority requests) on your open incident.
How to contact Customer Interaction Center
CIC offers real-time support channels with live and direct access to SAP’s support experts, creating a faster more direct route to issue resolution
You can contact CIC via the following channels:
Expert Chat
Schedule an Expert
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