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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

You can uniformly characterize the products in a product catalog with lists of catalog characteristics.

By creating a list of catalog characteristics, you determine which features characterize the products contained in the catalog, and which can be made subject to a search in the Web catalog.

To Create and LOC and Assign to the Product catalog.



The creation and configuration of the LOC is a simple process but does involve a couple of steps that need to be followed.


Step 1.


Create the Attributes that will be used in the LOC. This would usually be done by your Master Data team and may already be created.

 To create the attribute you can to this by

  • Go the Transaction COMM_ATTRSET,
  • Select  Create a new Attribute 
  • Select your attribute type these can be selected from the dropdown list.
  • The full steps to create the Attributes are available on 

Step 2.

Create a new Set Type and assign you attribute to the set type. In transaction COMM_ATTRSET, You can create a new Set Type  for example ZCATALOG . Once this has been created you can assign your attribute (created in step 1.) to it.

Step 3.


Once the attributes and set types have been created the next step is to create the LOC .

  • Go to Transaction COMM_PCAT_LOC, and create a new List of Characteristic.
  • Specify the name and description under List of catalog characteristics
  • Assign your Attributes and Attribute set created in Step1 and Step 2 to your LOC.
  •  Save your entries.

Once the LOC has been created the final step is to assign the LOC to your product catalog. This can be done in two methods.


  • Under Basic Data, you can  Assign basic lists of characteristics to the product catalog at the catalog header level. Assign basic lists of characteristics to the product catalog at the catalog header level. See Creating Catalog Headers.
  • On creation of a Sub Area you can assign a LOC to the area. This LOC will only be available for the Sub area and any LOC that has been defined at the Basic Data level will also still apply.

Once the LOC has then been created and an Initial replication of the product catalog has taken place, The LOC should then be available for select in the Webshop. This allows you to search for items based on the LOC.