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(e.g taken is E2E Connectivity check)

Go to SOA Management from your ERP system and search for the consumer proxy 'CO_CODERINT_CONNECTIVITY_CHECK'

In case of CRM system the consumer proxy is CO_CRMPCD_CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_C

Click the proxy and open it.

Now in the configurations tab under Define Logical Ports click on Create button.

Select Manual Configuration while clicking the Create button.

This will take you to the step by step process to create the port.

Give a name to your logical port and a description.

Select the checkbox for making this the default port if this needs to be.

In step 2 select the authentication method.

I have used User ID / Password of the PI system.

If you want to use certificate based authentication select the radio button as below and select your certificate from the list.

In step 3 give the following information. (These are specific to your land scape and please don’t copy the values from screen shot).

  • URL Access Path - Middleware service path URL for webservice call.
    • In case of SAP NetWeaver Process integration (PI) the service path can be obtained from sender agreement which should be of format :-  /XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?senderParty=&senderService=<ERP Business System              Name>&receiverParty=&receiverService=&interface=ConnectivityCheckConsumer&
    • In case of HCI :- /cxf/CRM/COD/SimpleConnect

  • Computer Name - Name of computer of above PI / HCI system.
  • URL Port - Port number of the URL. For PI the port can be obtained from SMICM or ICM admin. For
  • HCI it can be set to 443.
  • URL Protocol - Protocol for webservice call. For example HTTP/HTTPS.
  • Proxy Host - Name of proxy host if a proxy is used for the http connection (optional)
  • Proxy Port - Port number of proxy host if a proxy is used for the http connection (optional)
  • Proxy User - Name of user if a proxy is used for the http connection (optional)
  • Proxy - Password - Password for the user if a proxy is used for the http connection (optional)

In step 4 give the below shown values and click Next

Click Next and click Finish.

You can see the new port as shown.

You can click the display port button and ping the port to see if the parameters entered are correct.

Once this is fine, you can consume this proxy via this port as default.

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