We have some exiting news for Contact Center integrators.
We have now started to share code samples in GitHub. Code sharing aims to provide samples and helpers made on top of public SAP Contact
Center APIs. SCN Code Exchange was closed almost a year ago and we haven't had an effective way to share code since that. Now we have transferred a couple projects to GitHub and more will follow.
First two projects shared in the GitHub are C# projects i.e.
ClientCom sample using ClientCom API and another one showing how to synchronize presence information between SAP CCtr and MS Lync.
Both projects were also accessible earlier in SCN Code Exchange but this is the first time we are able to provide also the source
code of the CCtr / Lync presence integration.
These projects have very permissive MIT lisence which allows you to utilize the code for any purpose - commercial or non-commercial.
You can find all samples under
sapcctr organization in GitHub.
Have fun and stay tuned for more.