CRM and CX Blogs by SAP
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Company Settings Usage:

- Enabling/Disabling UI Features (e.g. Personalization).

- Change of UI Theme.

- Setting up of Inactive users log-off time.

- Maintain Preferred Client (HTML/Silverlight).

Enabling/Disabling UI Features:

  1. Login to the HTML UI.
  2. Click on Adapt.
  3. Click on Company Settings.
  4. Go to the General tab.
  5. You can Enable/Disable below features:
    • Disable User Personalization Features
    • Enable Horizontal Scrollbar
    • Disable Flags
    • Disable Follow
    • Disable Go to SAP Store Button
    • Disable Download Button
    • Disable Favorites
    • Disable Report Incident

Change of UI Theme:

  1. Login to the Silverlight UI.
  2. Click on Adapt.
  3. Click on Company Settings.
  4. Go to the Theme tab.
  5. Select the theme (Skyline or Gold Reflection).
  6. Save.

Setting up of Inactive users log-off time:

  1. Login to the HTML/Silverlight UI.
  2. Click on Adapt.
  3. Click on Company Settings.
  4. Go to the Auto Logoff tab.
  5. You can select the value as per your requirement (15 mins - 4 hours).
  6. Save.

Maintain Preferred Client (HTML/Silverlight):

  1. Login to the HTML/Silverlight UI.
  2. Click on Adapt.
  3. Click on Company Settings.
  4. Go to the Client tab.
  5. You can select either HTML or Silverlight as your default client..
  6. Save.