Company Settings Usage:
- Enabling/Disabling UI Features (e.g. Personalization).
- Change of UI Theme.
- Setting up of Inactive users log-off time.
- Maintain Preferred Client (HTML/Silverlight).
Enabling/Disabling UI Features:
- Login to the HTML UI.
- Click on Adapt.
- Click on Company Settings.
- Go to the General tab.
- You can Enable/Disable below features:
- Disable User Personalization Features
- Enable Horizontal Scrollbar
- Disable Flags
- Disable Follow
- Disable Go to SAP Store Button
- Disable Download Button
- Disable Favorites
- Disable Report Incident

Change of UI Theme:
- Login to the Silverlight UI.
- Click on Adapt.
- Click on Company Settings.
- Go to the Theme tab.
- Select the theme (Skyline or Gold Reflection).
- Save.

Setting up of Inactive users log-off time:
- Login to the HTML/Silverlight UI.
- Click on Adapt.
- Click on Company Settings.
- Go to the Auto Logoff tab.
- You can select the value as per your requirement (15 mins - 4 hours).
- Save.

Maintain Preferred Client (HTML/Silverlight):
- Login to the HTML/Silverlight UI.
- Click on Adapt.
- Click on Company Settings.
- Go to the Client tab.
- You can select either HTML or Silverlight as your default client..
- Save.