The future of business in the digital information age is now. A network of networks – across social, business, and devices – is creating revolutionary conditions which are creating new opportunities that touch every aspect of the digital value chain regardless of what industry you are in.
The utilities industry is poised to take advantage of new opportunities in the digital age. From connecting Suppliers to connecting plants to grids to connecting delivery to connecting customers, IT/OT business opportunities abound. New business opportunities will drive a new economy, an economy that will forever change the utilities industry. The utilities industry will no longer be just an "industry" but a connected part of the world!
Companies that react and adopt quickly will quickly disrupt the status quo. These companies will place barriers in the way of slower adopters that will be difficult for the competition to surmount. And along the way they will grow share and revenue!
Take a look at the CEO perspective on the impacts of the Internet of Things for Utilities.
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This post originally appeared on SAPBusiness Innovation”