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Enabling Web-Service Message Monitoring

This option helps you to view the payload, check the error message and detailed error log(wherever applicable)

Above Questions needs to be enabled if you want to view Web Service Message Monitoring view and View the payload

Even after enabling this option, sometimes you will not be able to view the payload due to the size constraints - then you have an option to download the payload to your system.
Types of messages shown in web service message monitoring

Synchronous web-service callsRequest - Response type of web service calls.This type of service execution provides an immediate response to a query. In this situation, the client (external application) will wait until the server (C4C) sends back the response message.

Successful calls of this type are not recorded by default in web service message monitoring for the primary reason that the source system will get an instant response with the result of the transaction.However, few failed calls will be logged on web service message monitoring which are raised by SOAP Run-time(such as parsing errors).

Irrespective of the execution status, from 1708 release a new option "Start A2X Trace" is functional which will activate the tracing(30 minutes by default) for all synchronous communications(with external systems). After 30 minutes, the option will be automatically deactivated.

Examples of Web-service calls which are synchronous and are not logged (when they are successful) in web-service message monitoring: Document Flow request from SAP Business Suite, Print Preview, Sales Order Query & Sales Quote Query from External system, External Pricing Request, any custom web-service created using SAP SDK(Cloud Application Studio), All standard A2X services / SOAP API's provided by SAP

i.e.. Any information that you request on run-time from an external system or request from C4C will not be logged in the web-service message monitoring by default.

Note : These type of failed messages cannot be cancelled manually. They will get cancelled automatically as per the expiry date or 42 days
Note : These type of failed messages cannot be restarted.

Asynchronous web-service calls: These calls are exchanged between C4C and SAP External systems. These calls will not send any acknowledgment to the source system if it is successful or failed. Hence every asynchronous web-service call will be recorded in the web-service message monitoring(For inbound to C4C - Message will be logged if the Handshake and Authentication is successful)
Functionality of Outgoing Asynchronous Messages

Every outgoing asynchronous communication generates two outgoing messages.

  • MP Finished Message: This is the first message which contains all Internal codes (code list fields) and Internal Identifiers (Internal ID's). When this message is successful, PARTY ID is updated on this message in OWL

  • Delivered Message: This is the actual outgoing message which contains all External codes (code list fields) and External Identifiers (External ID's). This message is generated only when the MP Finished message is successful

Possible Status in Web Service Message Monitoring

  • Application Error:A business error happened during the processing of this message. Just mark the message entry and click "View => Error Log" to display the error log. Error Log/Error text should be generally sufficient for analyzing the message

  • Cancelled: Message is manually cancelled or being cancelled after certain duration of no further processing.You can manually cancel messages with the status Application Error and System Error.You cannot resend/process a canceled message. A canceled message is permanently canceled. In such cases, a new transmission needs to be initiated.
    Note : Another reason for automatic cancellation of message is if the newer version of the same record is processed successfully

  • Split: Bulk messages are set to the status “SPLIT” when an error was encountered on the first attempt. The bulk message is then split into individual fine granular messages and then re-processed.

  • Successful: Message is successfully delivered to provider system if it is an outbound message or is processed successfully if it is an incoming message.

  • System Error: Message has not been delivered to provider system if it is an outbound message or is not processed successfully for some reasons (i.e. not enough system resources or wrong configuration). Just mark the message entry and click "View -> Error Log" to display the error log.

  • Waiting: An outgoing message may exist in this state if it is not delivered to provider system. An incoming message may exist in this state for many reasons and these will ultimately result in error.
    Few Incoming messages may go into retry mode due to a temporary problem in a Web Service provider application.No manual action is needed because all messages will be processed automatically, once their predecessors are successfully executed.
    (For Ex : Business Document Locking , Business Partner Interfaces as three messages are interdependent on each other during initial loads..)After maximum number of retries(as per implementation), waiting messages will fail with Application Error status

Validity of a Webservice Message

Every incoming/outgoing web-service message holds a validity date(Expiry Date) before it gets canceled by a background job in C4C. Erroneous(Application / System Error) messages without expiry date will get cancelled after 42 days

Below image shows the expiry date

Functionality of Remote Object ID field in WSMM

Remote Object ID field available in the advanced filter is applicable when you want to search web-service messages with External ID of any record in C4C.

As of now, this functionality works only for Master Data Interfaces(Business Partner , Products). A list with all services will be updated soon in the comments section.
Save Query

You can filter the messages as per your requirement and save the query to avoid filtering the messages every time

Clicking this option will activate email alerts(as per the email maintained for user logged-in) which includes receiving an automatic generated email when a message is failed.
Restart & Cancel

  • You can restart the selected message or set of messages based on selection.

  • You can cancel the selected failed messages or Cancel them based on a filter.

  • Cancellation or Restart based on Filter will happen in the background and will not lead to any timeouts or UI exceptions.

  • Refresh

    There could be a maximum 15 minutes delay for the actual status of the message to be updated in web service message monitoring. This delay is mostly observed during mass replications such as Initial Loads.  Using refresh option will immediately update the status as available in back-end.

    This option will help in generating an export of web service messages according to your filter / selection.
    Export with errors

    This option will immediately generate an excel sheet with all messages as per the query selected . This export contains Remote Object ID for failed messages which will be useful during initial loads

    For example, Initial load messages will often fail due to ID Mapping or Code List Mapping issues. Remote Object ID associated with failed message will help in identifying the relationships and maintain ID mapping quickly.