In this blog-post, you will learn about how the BRF event triggering mechanism has been replaced by BRF-Plus workbench in Student LifeCycle Management(SLCM).
Introduction :
BRF (Business Rule Framework) is obsolete in SAP S/4HANA systems. Being a part of the SAP S/4 HANA journey, we need to replace the existing BRF applications and the same has been done using BRFPlus in SLCM. We have several events get triggered at several phases in SLCM such as Admission, Registration, Fee Calculation, Module booking, Event booking and more.
In the entire application, the corresponding events get triggered via BRF workbench.
Each event has Actions associated with it and Actions are associated with the Function Modules(SE37) Which does the required job for the events.
Now, SAP S/4HANA system does not support the above BRF workbench. So, we need to migrate the entire existing BRF applications to BRF+.
Design With BRF+ :
Systems : SAP S/4HANA 1809 & 1909
Prerequisites :
- ISHERCM_SFWS_BRFP_PPF switch has to be turned on.
- SPRO-> Student Lifecycle Management->Processes in Student Lifecycle management-> General Setting-> Post processing->Activate BRF Plus for Post Processing.
Maintain the above entries with ‘X’.
Here is an example of how you can make the design and trigger the events using BRF+ workbench.
We will consider the
Admission event here.
This event is triggered in HRIQ_STUDENT_ADMIS_CREATE_DB function module for any new admission.
As part of this migration, we need to trigger the ADMISSION event in the above function module using BRF+ workbench.
Transaction code : BRF+
All necessary events have been defined under this SLCM application.
For each event, we have to create one function and actions.
We can corelate the Function in BRF+ with the Events in BRF.
Here we have Admission in the function.
Once you click on Admission, it will show its contexts.
Contexts are created for each Functions and these are bound to required Data Dictionary objects.
We have to create Actions as well which will do the actual post processing operations.
This action
Admission EventPP is associated with the function module HRIQ_BRFP_ADMISSION_OUT.
The parameters for this Function Module are mapped with the contexts of the Functions as shown earlier.
We need to create a
Ruleset as well just to determine the action to be triggered or the condition for the action.
At the triggering point
(inside the FM in HRIQ_STUDENT_ADMIS_CREATE_DB) of the event, we need to trigger this BRF+ application with the proper context value based on a switch mechanism. If the BRFPlus switch is on, it will trigger BRF+ applications for the scenario. Otherwise it will follow the traditional BRF approach.
EXECUTE_ADMISSION_METHOD has been created to trigger the BRF+ application. This method takes the function id, application id, required data to populate the context values of the function designed at BRFPlus workbench.
The below code snippet shows to how to bind the context values.
The below code shows how to trigger the BRF+ application.
Conclusion :
This will be helpful in case if you want to design your own events in the application. As part of the SAP S/4HANA journey, Student LifeCycle Management provides the implementations of the standard events using BRF+ workbench from SAP S/4 HANA 1809 FPS1 onwards. Not only in SLCM, this approach can be used in all the applications in SAP S/4HANA systems....
Hope this helps..…..