Business Roles in SAP CRM is of utmost importance.The Business role is the central object for controlling the Navigation Bar, the Logical Links and the authorizations for users. Thus the business role determines the different profiles of the UI and what is visible on the UI.
How to define and assign Business Roles
Step1: Go to IMG Path: Customer Relationship Management > Business Roles > Define Business Roles or to transaction CRMC_UI_PROFILE
Step2: Pick a suitable role which you want to create a copy of and note the PFCG Role ID
Step3. Go to Transaction PFCG and create a Z copy of the standard PFCG role
Step 4: Once the PFCG Role is created go to IMG Path: Customer Relationship Management > Business Roles > Define Business Roles and create a new business role with the above created PFCG Role. (It is convenient to copy the standard role to Z name space and change the PFCG role ID). Save the changes.
Step 5 a: IMG Path: Customer Relationship Management > Business Roles > Define Organizational Assignment or transaction PPOMA_CRM
- Users/Business partners are assigned within the Organizational Model to a Position
- User / Business Partners can be assigned to multiple Positions
- Each Position can have exactly one Business Role
Double click on the position, menu option Goto>Detail Object>Enhanced Object Description

Go to Business role and click on create

Maintain the Business role
Save the changes and run UI.
Step 5 b: Another way to assign business role is to log on to transaction SU3 and add the following line
Step 5 c: If neither a nor b is the case, the system determines the PFCG roles assigned to the user and checks if they are linked to a business role. If this is the case, these business roles are used.
Now we know that there ways to add the business role but how to tell which one takes precedence. The order in which the check happens
a) The check happens if the parameter CRM_UI_PROFILE is defined in su3.
b) If a) is not the case then the check happens if the business role has been defined using organizational management.
c) If above two checks fail , then look for PFCG for business roles.
For the people who want to do a double check on this go to transaction se24 and load the class CL_CRM_UI_PROFILE_DETERM and go the method LOAD_PROFILES.
You can put a external break point here and try to load the profile and you would get answer on the order which the system uses to determine the business role.