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Hi Friends,

Welcome back to SAP Community. Today lets have a look on Web Services in CRM.

This Post deals with the introduction of Web services and its creation.

What is web service?

Web services represent an industry-wide standard, and enable you to link loosely coupled systems with a technology that does not entail a particular programming language or platform. Web services offer you the flexibility to extend an application's capabilities to support specific business processes without extensive coding or complex integration.

Use of Web-services in SAP CRM?

you can use Web services to allow your customers to access your product and price information from their procurement systems and create sales orders in your SAP CRM system by linking the procurement software to your order management application. Alternatively, you can create Web services that enable you to work offline by, for example, uploading data from your SAP CRM system to an Adobe interactive form, where you can modify the data and synchronize it later.

Steps to Create Web service in SAP CRM:

Login to SAPCRM GUI and go to transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB

Enter WS_DESIGN_TOOL as component and press TEST button.

This will open the CRM Web UI in the new Browser.

Click on the New Button to Create a New Web Service, which we will use for Document Templates .

Enter the details as required. Enter the Component for which you want to create the Web Service.

In this Case it is for Business Transactions: i.e.: Agreements for Grant Management.

Choose the Root Object also as Business Transaction.

Press the Next Button.

One important thing here, don’t forget to click one of the Boxes at the end for Read, Create or Change. In this case we are creating a Web Service to read data from the database to read the Agreement details.

Select Attributes Structure will open where you can select the data you want from the Structure to be fetched when the Web Service is called.

Expand the Business Transaction Node and Select the data as shown below.

Once a Node is selected, its attributes opens up on the Right Hand Side.

Select the attributes like shown above as required.

Once the Selection for a particular node is done, don’t forget to click on the Confirm Selection Button as shown under the attributes window.

If this Button is not clicked the attirbutes will not be selected and will be lost, once you move ahead.

Make sure form the BOL Browser you know which fields you need from the Web Services from which node for the Document Templates.

Once the selection is done, click on the Next Button and it will take to the Maintain Attributes window, where we can review the fields.

If any field is missed, Previous Button can be clicked and the field can be selected again.

If there are some extra fields, that have been selected, click on the Radio Button Exclude in front of that screen and the field will be excluded from the selection.

Once the Review is done fro all the fields, Press the Next Button.

Click on the Expert Mode Button and you will see the details on the Right Side.

Now Click on the Save Button.

Once the Web Service is saved, Click on the Check Button to check for any errors or any issues with the Web Service.

Once the Check is done, Press the Activate Button to Activate the Web Service.

The activation take some time as all the Function Modules and other related components for a Web Service are created.

Once it is Activated, Press the Productive Button. The Web Services is required to be made active to be available by other Services.

Once the Web Service status changes to Productive, The Save Button is required to save the Productive state of the Web Service, else this state is lost and Web Service becomes Non Productive.

The Web Service is now ready to be used for other services.

Hope you had a great learning.

In my next post, We shall discuss on creating Document templates using Web services.

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