The purpose of this document is to show how to filter out unwanted status promotions in TPM Customer Business Planning Calendar Screen.
Sometimes it would be very confusing if there are large number of promotions (i.e, all status related promotions) in TPM - CBP Calendar Screen.
For Example, once we reject a promotion we would not want to see the rejected status (E0019) promotions in CBP calendar for ease of visibility/analysis purpose.
We can do the below required configuration settings in calendar to filter out the required status promotions in CBP calendar screen
Path: SPRO-->CRM-->Trade Management-->Customer Business Planning-->Calendar-->Maintain Settings for Calendar
Click on Maintain Cancel Status for promotions in Calendar and maintain the Promotion Type, Status and Status Profile details so that these status promotions will be excluded for display in CBP Calendar screen.
Similarly we can also add other unwanted status with Promotion Type and Status Profile combination, so that those status promotions will not be visible in the CBP Calendar screen.