An excellent customer support agent takes each communication on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes they are asked the very same inquiries many times. For these situations having a template makes a great deal of sense for the adhering to reasons. Your organization can develop corporate response templates visible to all agents. Each agent can additionally develop personal templates based upon their requirements and choices. Response templates can consist of placeholders that are automatically replaced by the system when adding them to a ticket response. When you select a template, the system displays templates that match the current communication channel. For instance, when composing an e-mail the system shows e-mail templates and not messaging or social media templates. Customers as well as Administrators can define queries to display only specific templates. for example, displaying just response templates matching the ticket language.
Now, imagine what if the system starts proposing you the relevant template based on the ticket content. Wouldn’t it be awesome? Also, the agent’s time saving to find the relevant template will get drastically reduced. So if any company is using SAP Service cloud(a.k.a Cloud for Customer) to manage their customer support, then how it can be achieved? As of now, there are two options as,
- Template recommendation using Machine Learning Algorithm.
- Enhancing the standard template proposal using Enhancement Option.
- Template Recommendation using Machine Learning Algorithm -The machine learning model recommends the most suitable response templates for a ticket. For the initial response to a service ticket using an e-mail channel, the machine learning model proposes the three most appropriate response templates and provides a confidence score for each.As of now, the response template recommendation is supported in enterprise edition with tickets in German and English. Also, it needs the ticket data (i.e. Description), templates and templates usage statistics for prediction to work.The minimum usage of each template should be 500 to be considered for this algorithm.
- Enhancing the standard template proposal using Enhancement Option -The standard C4C provides an additional enhancement option to propose the response template based on ticket attributes. For example, if the category of service Ticket is Cat1 then suggest template T1. This can be implemented using Cloud Application Studio. In this blog-post, we’ll be focusing on this method to suggest responsive template. Let's consider a scenario if the category of the ticket is “Order” then suggest “Order Tracking email template”. So, the below enhancement option/BADi will get triggered when we try to use the standard filter ‘Proposed Templates’ in service ticket response template selection model dialogue.
Step 1 – Login to Cloud application studio and Create a solution.
Step 2 – Add the new item Enhancement Implementation, with the name ‘TicketTemplateProposal’.

Step 3 – As shown in below screenshot select enhancement option ‘ServiceRequestAgentWorkSpaceUITemplateProposal’

Step 4 – Open the DETERMINE_TEMPLATE.absl method from solution explorer. And add below code to it,
Add your SAP Business ByDesign scripting language implementation for:
Enhancement Option: ServiceRequestAgentWorkSpaceUITemplateProposal
Script file signature
Parameter: InputData of type AgentTemplateSrchPara
Returns: AgentTemplateResult
- To use code completion, press CTRL+J.
//Global import.
import AP.CRM.Global;
import AP.Common.GDT;
//Global variable declaration.
//The data type AgentTemplateResult denotes the collection of FormattedTemplateID with the cardinality of 0 to n. As there might be many templates which we could suggest for a specific ticket category.
var result : AgentTemplateResult;
//var inputinst: AgentTemplateSrchPara;
var instUUID : UUID;
//Ticket UUID assignment
instUUID = InputData.TicketUUID;
var ServiceRequestInst = ServiceRequest.Retrieve(instUUID);
var ticketCat = ServiceRequestInst.ServiceTerms.ServiceIssueCategoryCatalogueCategoryKey.ServiceIssueCategoryID.content;
if(ticketCat == "OS")
return result;
Step 5 – Please note the template ID “100070” in above code can be a collection of templates as there might be many templates we can suggest for each service category.
Step 6 – So now, when the end user would like to use a template to respond to the ticket the system will suggest the template “100070” under proposed template filter.

P.S. – It will be value addition to make ‘Proposed Templates’ filter as a default if you’re implementing this implementation.
With this note, I’d like to conclude my blog-post on the Service Ticket response template proposal in SAP C4C. Keep enhancing 😊