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This is my first Blog on SCN.

In this Blog I will explain how can we stop Auto-navigation to home page and navigate to a different page on END of the Interaction.

We all know that in Interaction Center Web Client Account Identification Page is the Home Page.

Suppose the user wants to see the Open tasks etc on the home page So we have changed the Home to Sales home page.

Now whenever the user press END button to end the interaction he will direct to sales home page.

But User also wants that if he END the interaction then he should redirect to the Account Identification Page.

So I will explain how can we Stop this auto-navigation to Home page and redirect it to Account Identification Page.

Step 1:-

So there is a class CL_CRM_IC_AUTO_NAV2. This class gets loaded when the agent log in to Interaction Center Web Client.

There is a maintenance view 'CRMV_IC_APP_COMP' where this Class has been maintained.

Now Copy this class 'CL_CRM_IC_AUTO_NAV2' to a z class and activate it.

Step 2:-

Now in the view 'CRMV_IC_APP_COMP' change the standard class with your z class.

Step 3:-

Now open the newly created Z class . There will be a method 'HANDLE_INTERACTION_ENDED' . Its responsible for the navigation to default Home Page.

And the Code which is responsible for navigation and which we need to replace with our custom code is :-

Replace above highlighted code with :-

* Navigate to empty view (Workaround for SP00) - general rule

  if me->end_descr_object is initial.


       iv_nav_srv->navigate( EXPORTING IV_LINK_ID = 'IC_BPIDENT' ).

      CATCH cx_root.



We also need to make the same changes in method ''IF_CRM_IC_EVENT_LISTENER~HANDLE_EVENT' of the same class:-

Replace the commented code with the below code:-

    IF lr_nav_srv IS BOUND.


            lr_nav_srv->navigate( EXPORTING IV_LINK_ID = 'IC_BPIDENT' ).

          catch cx_root.



This is all about to stop auto-navigation to the default home page in interaction center web client. You can redirect the navigation to any page in interaction center. You only need to change the logical link 'IC_BPIDENT' in above given steps. Other things will remain same.


Kumar Gaurav.

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