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Description : Commonly status management is used in processing business transactions.We have seen that transaction have differnt combination of status in differnt stages for example in case it is created status will be Open next will be  InProgress in case negotiation is under process with the customer, Completed incase the order it processed and gone for invoicing, Closed incase the invoicing is done and customer have received the delivery and so one.

Type of Status: There are two type of status does exist in SAP system if you have noticed.

1. System Status: Status which is used by system. System set it for transaction which informs user for current status of the object executed.for example when you release a order system set a status 'Released' or may be you have seen 'Do not distribute'.

There are standard five system status which you can have in transaction processing.

  • Open: Transaction created but not yet processed
  • In Progress: Executing is negotiating with customer to win the transaction example quotation

  • Released: Negotiation completed now follow up document can be created example from Quotation to Order
  • Completed: transaction is processed and contract competed
  • Closed: transaction completed and invoicing everything done.

2. User Status: SAP given us a facility where we can have our own status which can have addition information to existing system status.We can have any number of user status depends on the requirement. We create a status profile where we can customize our user status and than customize in transaction level.

We can create user status and customize for :

  •       Transaction types for header or
  •       Item category as an item status.

Step to Configure Status profile for a transaction :

Step 1: Suppose we have transaction ZCT1 created and we wanted to setup user status profile set up in this transaction.

            Path in SPRO : CRM-> Transactions-> Basic setting-> Status management -> Define status profile for user status                  Click on it

Step 2: Create and entry for status profile example CRMQUOTE.

              Note : the default language is EN but you can select other language too.


Step 3:   Create status entries


You are seeing differnt column in the above screen. Please find detail below

       1. Column shows the status serial number

       2. status shows the current status of the object at the run time.

       3. It shows the short test of the status which will populate on the Web UI screen.

       4. Long text radio button in case ticket the whole text will be appearing on screen

       5. If initial is select when an transaction is created will be have this status. we can see in above example 'Open' status is set as initial.

       6. Lower and highest column is used to set the priority of the created status.Incase status changes in the transaction it only can be changed to higher or to

          those status have same lower and higher value set here i.e why we can not set status to 'OPEN' once it is setup as 'COMPLETED'

other column are self exploratory.

profile setup in transaction

After creating status profile we needed to map profile to transaction to make it active.follow below path to open an transaction

CRM->Transactions->Basic settings -> Define transaction Types

Step 1:Open the transaction where you wanted to implement the profile

Step 2:  Add the created profile to transaction as shown below.

I hope this steps will help you to do the status profile configuration in SAP CRM. I hope you will find the blog interesting. Thanks for your interest.



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