We already have many wonderful blogs in SCN regarding navigation, here I have attempted simple approach for data sharing.
Step 1: Custom Source Component
- Create an Custom Component with view
- This view is holding the Value node
- Create the context node for the component controller which is similar to view’s
Context node.
- Bind the View’s Context Node with component controller context node.
Please make sure that all case sensitive letters are coming correctly,
Step 2: Target custom component
- Create an Custom Component with view
- This view is holding the Value node
- Create the context node for the component controller which is similar to view’s
Context node.
- Bind the View’s Context Node with component controller context node.
** Note: Both the source and Target component context node should be same.
- Create OP plug in view of source component
- Create OP plug in Window of source component
- Create IP plug in Window of Target Component
- Create Component Interface for the Target component
- Add the context node to the interface controller of the Target Component
- Create the Component usage in the Source Component
- Create the Navigation link in the source component
i.e OP plug of source main window
IP plug of target main window.
Context Node Binding:
Source Component – Component Controller
Redefine the below method- To establish the connection between two context nodes.
Source component will have 2 fields:
There will the Copy Icon- On clicking on this Icon, we will navigate to the target component
With source component data.
Create the copy button in the source component,
Test Results:
Source Component: