Hello All,
This is third installment of series providing insights into the SAP Customer Data Cloud (to be referred as CDC). We have already covered
Overview and
Console Overview. This part will deal with site administration.
Site can be created on Console Dashboard. Site is single entity controlling database location, features, settings etc. Site API key is needed for all communications originating from outside of SAP CDC (be it other SAP products, Websites, Android/iOS application etc).
We will now move into the creation of sites. After logging into SAP CDC console, click on
‘Create Site’ Button to create a new site.
In the popup provide the following details:
- Site Domain – A valid site domain should be Provided. Including ‘http://’ is not mandatory.
- Description – This is an optional field. If provided this will appear on the list of sites on Console.
- Choose Data Center - US, EU or AU can be chosen, select the one where you wish to keep your data. RU and CN are to be used in case the site will hold data for Russia and China respectively.
Now the domain name should be available in the site list on the console. The highlighted API key is used for all communications to SAP CDC site.
Selecting a site by clicking on the Site domain will take you to Site specific settings and other available features. We will first go through the tab
‘Site Settings’:
- Site description

- Trusted Site URLs


- Additional Share URLs

- Domain Alias (CNAME)

- Bit.ly URL Shortening

- Custom URL Shortening

- Redirect Method

Next Tab is for
‘Certificate Provisioning’.
‘Copy Configuration’ tab can be used to copy configuration of current Site to other site.
‘Providers Configuration’ tab is used to configure Social Login.
‘Permissions’ tab can be used to enable general and provider specific permissions.
Security Assertion Markup Language (in short SAML) is used to exchange authentication and authorization data. CDC uses SAML 2.0, it is used to apply Single Sign On (SSO) between security domains and access to CDC system using security tokens.
‘SAML Login’ tab can be used to setup SAML Identity Provider (IdP) to access the CDC site. Along with
‘SAML Identity Provider’ tab we can complete the settings for CDC as ‘Identity Provider’ and ‘Service Provider’.
Whenever SAP CDC is integrated with a website, it is necessary to load CDC’s Web SDK on all pages of the website.
‘WebSDK Configuration’ tab is used to setup global parameters and event handlers etc, these configurations apply to all pages of sites which load WebSDK.
Similar to SAML, OpenID Connect is also a protocol to authenticate users. CDC uses Oauth 2.0 framework to act as OpenID Connect Provider (OP). A Relying Party (RP) can request authentication to CDC. Configuring tabs
‘OpenID Connect Provider’ and
‘OIDC Login’ we can setup CDC system as OP and add information on RPs.
‘Signals’ tab can be used to track user’s behavioral data (e.g. login, opt-in etc). This data is available in ‘Customer Insights’ Page and can be used to improve core business flows or can be exported to external systems (e.g. for analytical purposes). Signals is based on simple counter system of user action in real time.
‘Extensions’ as the name suggest can be used to apply extensions to data, events and API functionality. It can be used to implement custom validations and restriction to data. One example of a business use case can be validation of interdependent address fields (e.g. Zip code matches country and region).
This concludes overview on Site Administration. Further information on RaaS setting for the site, Identity sync etc. will be covered in future blog posts in the series.