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C4C Workflow Rules

Workflow Rules are being constantly evolved for inclusion of various actions/notifications/field updates across Business Objects, Recipient Group, Employee etc. which enhances the flexibility and adaptability of Cloud for Customer solution according to the client requirements.

So let’s have a look on the current available notification/update scenarios in the C4C system.

Creation of Workflow Rule starts from the Step1 as shown in the below screenshot, where the relevant Business Object and the Timing of the workflow rule is selected.
The rule to be applicable is based on the Timing,

  • On Create Only [Rule to apply only at the time of creation of the business object instance], no other attributes for On Create Only selection
  • On Every Save [Rule to apply at every Save of business object instance], no other attributes for On Every Save selection
  • Scheduled [Rule to apply as scheduled for the business object instance], see for detailed description below.

Timing: Scheduled

To further more refining of the workflow based on some of the events like Business Object Change or on Custom Date fields triggering like On, After, Before.

The related attributes for Scheduled Timing are,

  • Event
  • Relative Time [like After, Before, On]
  • Time Offset [To set the duration]

As for example the below shown rule will apply on every Business Object change.

And, the below shown rule will apply Before 5 days based on the custom date field (here Contract Expiration Date) of the Business Object instance.

Below are some of the Rule Types and its attributes which can be set in Step3 for a workflow on any Business Object.

  1. Action [To perform the related actions on the Business Object instance]
  2. E-Mail   [To trigger an email notification based on the defined condition in previous steps with email body as defined in the HTML template file]
  3. Field Update [To update any standard or custom fields based on the required conditions]
  4. Messaging  [To send SMS messages]
  5. Notification  [To create a C4C notification based on the conditions defined and to the recipient group or employee]

Below is the screenshot of the above mentioned Rule Type for the creating a workflow rule.

Below are the screenshots of the selected Rule Type and its required attribute to configure a workflow.

Rule Type: Action

To trigger the required action for the Business Object selected in the previous step 1 of worflow creation.


Rule Type: E-mail

To trigger the email for the Business Object and condition selected in the step 1 of worflow creation.
The related attributes for Email triggering are,

  1. Send Email Indicator
  2. Sender
  3. Subject
  4. Template file for the email body with placeholders for dynamic variables [#VAR#]
  5. HashTag Placeholder definitions
  6. Recipient Group as email reciever
  7. Individual Emlpoyee as email reciever

Rule Type: Field Update

To update any standard or custom field for the Business Object and condition selected in the step 1 of worflow creation.
The related field for change and the value has to be specified as shown below in the screenshot.


Rule Type: Messaging

To trigger the messaging activity for the Business Object selected in the previous step 1 of worflow creation, which requires the Mashup Service ID configured for the Messaging Activity Type.

Steps for creation of Messaging Activity are,

  1. Enable Messaging in Scoping
  2. Create Web Service
  3. Setup Communication Arrangement
  4. Request Short Codes and Outbound Endpoint
  5. Create Mashup Web Service for Outbound Messages

Rule Type: Notification

To create a C4C notification for the Business Object and condition selected in the step 1 of worflow creation.
The related attributes for creation of Notification are,

  1. Time stamp for notification creation.
  2. Expiry of the notification
  3. Cancellation of Task if conditions are not met.
  4. Sender
  5. Subject of the notifications with ampersand placeholder for dynamic variables.
  6. Ampersand placeholder for variable definition.
  7. Recipient Group for receiving notification.
  8. Individual Employee for receiving notification.

Now based on the business requirements the above scenarios can be used accordingly.

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