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Lead to cash scenario for C4 HANA sales cloud is enriched with new 1905 release of SAP C4C and SAP CPQ (formally known as Callidus CPQ). In this blog post we will concentrate on configuring updated user journey for lead to cash scenario for configurable products.

The enriched user journey is as below,

Integration Prerequisites

Before initiating the integration process we must make sure that below mandatory configurations in both systems are done and are in sync.

  1. SAP C4C –

    1. Configuration of Organization Structure.

    2. Configuration of Distribution Channel (note this id).

    3. Admin user should be setup with full access rights and authorizations.

    4. SSO configurations for single sign on with any identity provider settings.

  2. SAP CPQ –

    1. Configure Market in SAP CPQ. Please ensure that market ID configured in CPQ must be C4C Sales Organization's External ID.

    2. SSO configurations for single sign on with the same identity provider as that of SAP C4C.

    3. Configure Pricebook for above market and assign distribution channel to it.

(Note) If distribution channel field is disabled for editing, then please enable ERP integration under Providers-> SAP ->ERP -> Select True in connect SAP ERP.

This integration configuration is divided in to 3 sections as,

  1. Configurations in SAP C4C

  2. Configurations in SAP CPI

  3. Configurations in SAP CPQ

1. Configurations in SAP C4C –

Prerequisites – Opportunities, Sales Quotes and Sales Order should be enabled.

1.1.  Go to Project scoping and navigate to path “Communication and Information Exchange -> Integration with External Applications and Solutions” and enable “Integration Scenarios with Cloud Solutions from SAP”.

1.2. Go to Step 4 Questions and navigate to path “Communication and Information Exchange -> Integration with External Applications and Solutions -> Integration Scenarios with Cloud Solutions from SAP” and select “Do you want to create and view sales quotes in SAP CPQ application from with your cloud solution?”

1.3. Create communication system and arrangement.

1.3.1. Create communication system (Path: Administrator -> General Settings -> Communication System -> New). Maintain below details as,

ID- Any unique communication id

Hostname – SAP CPQ System URL

1.3.2. Create communication arrangement for newly created communication system –

Scenario to be used – “Sales Quote Replication from SAP Business Suite”

Please note this System Instance id. This will be required while setting up CPI system.

Disable the outbound service. (Service Name - Confirm Customer Quote confirmation to SAP Business Suite)

1.3.3. Click on the Edit basic settings and set the communication password. Note this user id and password. It will be required while setting up SAP CPI system.

Save and Activate it.

1.4. Sales Quote Document type configuration.

1.4.1. Navigate to following path “Business Configuration-> Implementation Project -> Open activity list -> Sales Quote activity” to configure sales quote document type.

1.4.2. Click on Maintain Document Types and add new document type as highlighted below,

Please ensure “CPQ” checkbox is ticked for new document type. Save and close the activity.

1.5. Navigate to path: “Administrator-> Sales and Campaign Settings” in order to configure CPQ landing URL.

Enter the URL created and copied in step 3.2.2.

2. Configurations in SAP CPI

2.1. Login to CPI using https://<tenant management node URL>/itspaces

2.2. Navigate to Discover tab and search for “SAP Cloud for Customer Integration with SAP CPQ”.

2.3. Copy above package and navigate to overview tab.

2.4. Create security material by clicking on

2.4.1. Create a security material ‘C4C_SOAP_API’. The user will be the credentials set in Step 1.3.3.

2.4.2. Create a security material ‘OData_User’. Please note that the user which we’re providing here will be a C4C business user with full access rights without any restrictions.

2.5. Navigate to Design tab and then to ‘SAP Cloud for Customer Integration with SAP CPQ’ package to configure all artifacts

2.5.1. To configure ‘Replicate Quote from SAP CPQ’ click on configure as highlighted, to Receiver tab to maintain C4C details. Please maintain below details as,

C4C- Hostname – C4C login url without https prefix.

Credentials name – security artifact created in step 2.4.1. Click on Save and deploy.

2.5.2. To configure ‘Replicate Quote to SAP CPQ’ click on configure as highlighted, Navigate to Receiver tab to maintain C4C details.Please maintain below details as,

C4C- Hostname – C4C login url without https prefix.

Credentials name – security artifact created in step 2.4.2.

Navigate to More tab to set the system parameter,

This ExternalSystemID is the id copied from step 1.3.2. Click on Save and then deploy.

2.5.3. To configure ‘Value mapping for SAP Cloud for Customer Integration with SAP CPQ’ click on configure as highlighted,

As per the requirement configure the value mapping and click on Save and then deploy the value mapping artifact

2.5.4. Check the successful deployment of the above artifacts and copy the highlighted path. This path will be used in SAP CPQ Configuration.

3. Configuration in SAP CPQ –

Login to SAP CPQ with admin credentials.

3.1. Generation of federation URL – This is the SSO landing URL generation process. This URL will be used when we’ll be configuring the SAP C4C settings.

3.1.1. To create a SSO federation URL navigate to Providers -> Federation settings menu from left side navigation bar. And click on Add new Identity provider

3.1.2. Add details as below,

Name – CPQ domain name

Upload metadata file of IDP system – Check step ‘’ on how to download IDP metadata file.

3.1.3. Do not change any other prepopulated details And add routings by clicking on ‘Edit’ -> ‘Add’ the routing rules. Please make sure that you’ve selected the value appearing under column ‘Sign on relay state’. Save the changes.

Click on Activate the federation settings. The system will show the job details. Check the system for federation SSO URL after 5-10 mins of job scheduling time.

3.2. Navigate to “Providers tab -> SAP -> SAP Cloud Platform” to configure the SAP CPI settings.

3.2.1. Select common settings tab and add below details,

Authentication mode – Basic

Integration Username – The user which will have access to SAP CPI with ‘ESBMessagingSend’ role.

Integration Password- Above user’s password.

Rest base API URL – Paste the iflmap url, highlighted in the step 2.5.4.

Click on save.

3.2.2. Navigate to C4C CRM Settings tab and configure details as below,

Endpoint that gets sales quote details in case when landing and creating a new quote -> CPQ/C4C/GetQuoteInformation

Endpoint that updates SAP sales quote from CPQ quote data -> CPQ/C4C/SaleQuote

Also, please copy the highlighted landing URL, We’ll be using it in SAP C4C configuration ( in step 1.5)

Save the settings.


If you're still facing any issues then please visit my blogpost on Frequent issues in SAP C4C + SAP CPQ Integration

In this way we can enable SAP C4C and SAP CPQ integration with 1905 feature to provide seamless and enriched experience for lead to cash scenario for configurable products. Keep integrating 🙂





References - SAP CPQ documentation , SAP Integration guide


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Super Nikhil 🙂
0 Kudos
Thanks Bipin (Y)
Great read and thank you for your update, Nikhil!

At this moment my colleague and I are in Walldorf attending the CPQ course and wondering about the integration part with C4C! Perfect timing 😉
0 Kudos
Awesome Nikhil !!!

Thanks, that is really cool!
Great job Nikhil!

Thanks Nikhil for Sharing. Very interesting and detailed Blog:)
0 Kudos
Thank you Krystian 🙂
Active Participant
0 Kudos

Nice Blog ! Very well explained.

Hi Nikhil

Thanks for the detailed blog. Definitely very useful. However, I have one question related to the user journey. In your picture, I see that the C4C Sales Quote is the first step in the journey from C4C to CPQ Quote.

However, when I referred to the CPQ documentation (, I see that the user journey starts with the C4C Opportunity into CPQ. And from CPQ, there is an option to update the C4C Opp and the C4C Sales Quote.

I could not find any relevant documentation in the Sales Cloud 1908 release somehow. Could you please clarify the standard behavior in Sales Cloud 1908 regarding C4C CPQ integration.

Best Regards
0 Kudos
Hi Prasad,

Thank you for the feedback.

The CPQ documentation you're referring is the old/Legacy approach for C4C + CPQ integration as a mashup in SAP C4C Opportunity, where opportunity id and account id will play an important role. This approach is now obsolete to achieve seamless user experience.

Here is the updated user journey document after 1905 release -



0 Kudos
Hi Nikhil

We have 2 questions, not sure if 1st one is also related to old documentation, as this link shows starting in CPQ and passing the data to CRM to create an opportunity, is this scenario still supported?     (halfway down the page)

Then 2nd we are not sure if as of 1905 if CRM still supports scenario of CPQ "quote" to CRM lead or opportunity, or if only quote to quote is still supported.  This short youtube shows the CPQ tab on a CRM opportunity and fits our business.

We are in a scenario where we configure to the end customer and provide a suggested list market price but we only sell thru a distributor, so leads or opportunities to end prospect works well for us, and on the CRM quote is our distributor at their price and we put the original prospect as an involved party in CRM quote.


0 Kudos

Hi Glenn,

Old approach where to modify CRM opportunity and create/update CRM quote is not supported anymore. So you have to go ahead with new approach. Here I’ve highlighted the related statement from CPQ documentation.

For your scenario, I’m not sure what all dependencies or other checks you have to consider, but I would like to suggest to use Bill-to Party as the distributor and let the prospect be the main party in quotation, it might be helpful in long run for reporting purpose.

Hope this helps. ?





0 Kudos
Hi Nikhil,

I appreciate the response but doesn't fit our business model.  The sales rep can quote multiple distributors, so at initial time we don't know the distributor the order will be placed with.  Plus the price to the prospect is price they would buy from distributor at, not the price we quote the distributor. Looks like we will have to write custom integration.


0 Kudos
Thanks Nikhil !! you have answered many questions that I had regarding C4C and CPQ integration.
0 Kudos
Hi @wnikhil

I have question , we have follow your informaiton but stuck.

everything is fine in our CPI.

is there something we can do to find the log for this ?

0 Kudos
Hi Achmad,

Could you please share your error screenshot? Because based on this I can suggest you the place to track the log.



0 Kudos
Thanks Ketan 🙂
0 Kudos
Hi wnikhil

the problem is there is no error in here

i'm put the image on that ask, but still stuck

now i'm confuse ...

any advise ?

0 Kudos
Hi amuchdofir

I think I got your issue from your questions. What you have to do is, create a Quote in SAP C4C by selecting the document type which you've created in step no '1.4.2.' in this blogpost, and then on save of the C4C quote the system will create direct quote in CPQ via CPI, its not something which you'll create directly in CPQ and it will get replicated to C4C.


Hope this answers your question.

thanks for the nice blog!!



0 Kudos
Since 2005 there is a new Iflow "Replicate Key Mapping to SAP CPQ" which comes into play when you create a quote for a C4C prospect and this prospect changes to an ERP customer.

Then the ERP number will be used in the quotes. It seems that the interface is undocumented. Are wnikhil Do you have any information how to set up this scenario? Guess in C4C you need to maintain comm.arrangements as well?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Encountered a similar issue. When we enabled the new iFlow in CP, it seems it does not take effect. We wonder whether any specific configuration needs to be done to make it work.
0 Kudos
Excellent work!

I have a question about "1.3.2. Create communication arrangement for a newly created communication system."

I don't have the "Sales Quote Replication from SAP Business Suite" setting in my C4C-system (Solution Version: 2011.03.0003).

What should I do in this case?
0 Kudos
Hi, wnikhil ! Is this integration bidirectional or uniderectional? I ask because at now business users can not edit data on Quote_OWL in C4C and see message "Changing data not possible; data is read-only".
0 Kudos
Hello Georg,

Did you find any solution?

Best regards.
0 Kudos

Hello Georg thank you for your quick reply.

I read the document you send but I couldn't see info about iflow "Replicate Key Mapping to SAP CPQ" or how to maintain C4C comm.arrangements for this iflow.

Best regards.

0 Kudos
Hi Nikhil,

Steps are crisp and easy to understand. Appreciate your efforts and knowledge.

I am going through this blog now in (2308) version. Would like to know if there are any changes in latest versions.


Thank you.

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