Summary: This blog will give details about what is Crowd Service in Field service Management (FSM), what are crowd services benefits, prerequisites for configuration of SAP FSM crowd service and the configuration steps etc.
A crowd service is a pool of skilled, freelance service technicians available to respond to service calls when needed. These crowd service technicians possess the necessary know-how to address various technical issues. Thanks to field service management software, they also have access to internal company manuals, tutorials, and videos, as well as to customer specifics and device specifics for getting the job done quickly and effectively.
Crowd service equips your organization with a sizable and knowledgeable team of technicians – a team that can keep pace with rising customer expectations and enable predictive maintenance models. In addition to solving the problem of an insufficient and oftentimes inadequately trained workforce, the crowd service model can also help circumvent obstacles regarding the internal restructuring of company hierarchies, enabling the quick implementation of new digital strategies. Finally, a crowd of freelance workers means that your field service organization pays for services delivered, thus alleviating you of the annual expenditures associated with full-time employees.
The benefits of a Crowd Service:
- It grows your workforce from your own tried and trusted network of service professionals
- It easily manage skills and qualifications of service providers to make sure customers can get the best professional service.
- It easily expand your service area with Crowd of qualified technicians
- It grows your business and accept more jobs or even assist other service companies if they are in need of resources
AI Crowd dispatching enhances your field services by providing:
- real-time dispatching of service requests
- notifications by email or SMS to your service technicians with all the necessary information to perform the job
- service requests transmitted directly from machines to service technicians
- technician access to technical guidelines on mobile devices to ensure uniform handling of all service requests
- remote support for service technicians who respond to service requests but perhaps need assistance from specialists to resolve the issue
Service packages: –
Service Packages tab of the Master Data Management app is used to create and manage the service packages used by crowd service partners.
A service package record consists of the following:
Managing Service Packages:-
When a crowd service package has been created, crowd service partners that have successfully registered an account and created a company profile will then be able to select the relevant service package for their services.
Crowd Service marketplace:
The Marketplace is used to view and manage crowd service partner records and send invitations to join the crowd service marketplace.
When a company has accepted an invitation, created an account and company profile, their record will then appear here.
The Crowd Marketplace can be navigated to by clicking the Crowd Workforce option from the apps menu :
1. Invite Crowd Service Partner
2.Connect to Service Partner
3.Terminate Service Partner Connection
4. Cancelling Pending Connections
- Invite Crowd Service Partner : On the right-hand side of the Marketplace screen, you will see the following:
You will then be prompted to enter an email address. The partner will then go through the account creation and company profile steps described as follows.
1. Connect to Service Partner: By selecting a crowd service partner record, you can send a “connect” request to companies that have completed the account creation and company profile creations steps. When the crowd service partner accepts the connect request, you will then be able to assign activities to them.
Terminate Service Partner Connection
From time to time, it might also be necessary to terminate a service partner connection. This can be done by selecting a service partner record from the
My Connections view, and selecting the TERMINATE CONNECTION option.
3. Cancelling Pending Connections
Pending service partner connections can also be cancelled by selecting the Cancel Invitation option from the
Pending Invitations view:
Following are the steps to start crowd services –
- Registration
a. Account Registration
- Company Profile Creation
a. Company Profile b. Service Area c. Add Technician
- Registration
a. Account Registration
After receiving a link, a service partner will then be prompted to complete the following registration process:
- Company Profile Creation
a. Company Profile
b. Service Area
C. Add Technicians
The first technician record is populated with the account holder information entered in previous steps.
Manage Service Packages
Next, you will select the relevant service package/s for the services offered by your company. These service packages are created and managed in the Master Data Management app.
Confirmation Email
After you’ve completed the above steps, you will then receive a confirmation email containing a link to the Planning Board used by the crowd service partner to plan and release assignments, and the user name with which you can login.
After the crowd service widget has been enabled, you will then be able to use it to automatically plan and release crowd service calls and activities.
- Drag and Drop Assignment/s
- Multi-Select
- Countdown
- Drag and Drop Assignment/s
Service calls and activities that you want to assign to service partners can be dragged and dropped from the list below the Planning Board and dropped on the Drag Crowdable Activities Here section.

Additionally, multiple assignments can be added to the crowd service queue by checking the desired activities and/or service calls and selecting the Add to Queue option.
3. Countdown
When the countdown reaches the limit, the service calls and activities will then be released to service partners with corresponding capabilities, service areas, working times, etc.
Details regarding failed crowd assignments can be viewed in the Status tab.
The following topic describes what happens after an activity/service call has been assigned to a crowd service partner.
1. Email Confirmation
After a crowd service assignment has been successfully released, the service partner will then receive an email message, with a link to the Planning Board available to the service partner:
2. Service Partner Planning Board
Service partners can login to the Planning Board by following the link contained in the crowd confirmation email and entering their login credentials. Next, the service partner can assign the activity/service call to one of the technicians and, when complete, selecting the ACCEPT button.
3. Assignment Status
When the assignment has been accepted, the status of the activity/service call will change to RELEASED.
And the activity/service call can now be completed by the service partner technician using the mobile app.
In order to assign service calls and activities to external service providers, you must enable the crowd widget that displays on the Planning & Dispatching app. These step must be completed by a member of your organization with the
ADMIN role.
1. Implementation
The Crowd Service company settings are managed in Admin > Company > Settings. By default, the Crowd settings are inactive.
2. Post-Implementation
After the Crowd Widget has been enabled, it will appear in the Planning & Dispatching app:
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