Rapid Application Development tool in SAP CRM:
We are in demanding world to have CRM in place or ready to be use as soon as possible and RAD came as a breather for custom development requirement. By using the Rapid Applications we can create a whole new custom page with header and multiple item assignment blocks or you can create an assignment block and assign to a specific business role as per the our requirement.
Rapid Application is a wizard with step by step process which will create the required custom page or custom assignment block. RAD is available from CRM 7.0 EHP 1 and is very useful in developing an application including search facility with RDBMS in place.
Step by Step process of creating a custom page through Rapid Applications:
Step 1: Pre-Requisites:
- Launch the RAT Application link in the business role
Log into GUI -> Go to T-code : CRMC_UI_NBLINKS
Select the AXT logical link to select the Application Enhancement Tool
Copy the AXT logical link into a custom logical link
Launch the custom logical link in a direct link group or into the required business role's work center through the below T-codes.
Step 2:Creating the custom page using Rapid Application wizard
RAT Wizard:
To create a Rapid Application first and foremost consultant had to decide in which approach he wants to create the custom page. There are two ways we can create a custom page through RAD.
- Create from DB table
- Create from Web service
Based on your requirement, one should decide which option to choose.
Log into CRM Web UI and click on the Logical link launched before.
In Manage Rapid Applications page , click on "search" button, which will show you the existing rapid applications if any.
Once you click on the button "Rapid Applications" under the result lust , it will show the available options to create a Rapid Application.
You can create a rapid application via a Database table or a Web service as mentioned earlier.
You need to choose the approach as per your requirement.
Option 1: Creating an application via a Database table.
When you are creating a rapid application through a Database table, either you need to create a table first and then select the table in the wizard while creating the application or you can create the table at the time of creating the Rapid application.
Recommendation: Create the table first and select the table while creating the application.
In Rapid Application wizard you have 6 steps to complete the application and create a custom page or a custom assignment block and assigned to a business role.
1)Application details:
Provide the Application name and Description. Package will auto populate if you defined a package for your AET application before else you need to select the Package manually.
Once you provide the application details click on next
2) DB Model:
In this step you will either select the Database table (if you already created) else you can create a new one for the application.
Click on Add to select the table from F4 help and Select the table from result list
If you want to create a custom page with header and item information, then you need to select the parent table and click on “Add” to add the child table.
Help: If you need multiple line items then you need to add the multiple child tables. Every child table should have the parent table’s primary key as a foreign key.
If you want the custom assignment block with just header information then add that table and click on next
3) UI Model:
In UI model, rapid application will generate the UI view in your custom page/custom assignment block as per the table field details available in that table you added in the DB model step.
Click on "Auto Create" to generate the UI Model
4) Profile Customizing:
In you are launching a custom assignment block then you can launch your custom assignment block in the required business role work center here.
But if you are designing a custom page and want to launch in a business role separately as a individual link then you can skip this step and continue.
5) Overview:
You can review the details of your custom page/assignment block details and launch the page.
Once you click on “Save and generate”” your custom page creation is completed.
Step 3: Launching the custom page in the required business roles
Copy the Search page Target Id from the Application.
Go to CRMC_UI_NBLINKS -> Copy one of the search logical links and change the target id with our custom page Search page Target ID.
Assign the logical link to the required business role through T-Code: CRMC_UI_PROFILE
Login to CRM UI and access the custom page you launched in the previous step
In the enhancements you can define the field as a hyperlink which will take you to the overview page.
Click on search ->It will show if any records created for your custom page. If you click on the one of the record, it will open the record in overview page.
Initially custom page will have all the fields available in the custom table. We need to configure the fields from BSP work bench. We can remove, hide, rename the label of the fields from BSP work bench as we wish.
If you want only specific fields then you can change the page layout in BSP work bench.
Open the custom page/assignment block and change as per your requirement.
Note: Primary key is very critical in RAT custom pages. You need to decide the primary key way before you start the Custom page creation. Because once custom page created you shouldn’t change the primary key in the tables. If you do so, complete RAT custom page will collapse.
Option 1-b: Creating a table at the time of creating Rapid Application
If you want to create the database table at the time of creating the custom page in rapid application, then we need to define each field label, field type and length in the DB Model step.
You need to define the primary key as well in this step. Remaining steps are same as explained before. If you want to launch the custom page in the wizard, then we need to select the business role from “Add Business Role” button in profile customizing and select the work center you need to launch the custom page. You can launch it in multiple roles here.
Once you click on save and generate, it will launch in the specific business roles you selected in the “profile customization” step above.
Option 2: Creating Rapid Application through web service
If we want to create the custom page from a web service, then in the wizard we need to select the button “Create from Web service”.
Once clicking on the button a new wizard will open and follow the steps to complete the custom page creation. Here we need to select the “web service” in “Proxy Selection” step.
Note: Web service should be created before starting the Launching the rapid Application for custom page creation.
Search for the Web service you wish to use for creating the custom page
Once web service selected and clicking on the next, it will automatically divides the search page and overview page based on the Input & Output parameters defined in the web service.
In “Operations” tab, you need to select the search content if you want to launch the search page.
Remaining steps are same as explained above.
When you generate a custom page, classes and methods will automatically created. You can enhance them for your specific requirement trough BSP Component workbench. You can use the BADI's like AXT_RT_TABLES_API etc for your custom enhancement.