“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realise it themselves.” — Steve Jobs
Standard integration offers Commerce Quote bidirectional flow between SAP commerce and SAP C4C system. Sales Quote Process is Bi-directional depends upon the Code List mapping
Just as an idea, I had tried connecting
c4c to commerce Quote via API
Key Capabilities
- Easily integrate with SAP Sales Cloud
- Easily integrate with Commerce
- SAP Cloud for Customer
- Commerce
- CPI/Node js
Swim lane diagram

Step by Step Process
Step 1: Create a quote in C4C

Step 2: Consume below API in CPI or in your own application
1.Get Token
https://xxxxxxxxx/oauth/token? client_id=rest_api_client&client_secret=secret&grant_type=grant&username=prasad&password=password
- Create User Cart https://xxxxxxxx/occ/v2/SiteID/users/Prasad/carts
- Assign Product to the Customer Cart : https://xxxxxx/occ/v2/b2bbestrun-spa/orgUsers/current/carts/0000004122/entries?quantity=50&code=7091...
- Create Quote https://xxxxxxxx/occ/v2/b2bbestrun-spa/users/prasad@prasad-hw.com/quotes/
- Submit Quote : https://xxxxxxxx/occ/v2/b2bbestrun-spa/users/prasad@prasad-hw.com/quotes/0000004123/action
Step 3: Trigger event notification when Quote Status is changed (As per your requirement)

Step 4. Commerce Quote is created via API from C4C

Conclusion: Showing the Integration between C4C -commerce via API’s