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As you may be aware POSDM(Point of Sales Data Management) system traditionally sits under BW as its generally an integral component/system within BW. However there are few customers who have decoupled POSDM and BW primarily to reduce the dependency of BW system, wherein they can send Store/Online sales data directly from POSDM to various SAP(BW,ECC etc) and other Non SAP Systems too.

Nowadays we have been talking about POSDTA and CAR(Customer Activity Repository) where customers have started the transition journey from POSDM to POSDTA. It is quite essential to know how POSDTA is different to POSDM and what are the new features within POSDTA.

Well, POSDTA(Point of Sales Data Transfer and Audit) is one of the various modules of CAR.The other modules of CAR are listed below

1.DDF(Demand Data Foundation)

2.UDF(Unified Demand Forecast)

3.OSA(On Shelf Availability)

4.OPP(Omnichannel Promotional Pricing)

5.Multichannel Transaction Data Management

6.Inventory Visibility with Omnichannel Article Availability and Sourcing


Key points about POSDTA


  • One of the core components of CAR Foundation that receives sales transactions from POS, Online etc validates, enriches, processes and sends transactional data to various SAP and Non SAP systems


  • TLOGs are stored in an easily readable format in tables such as /POSDW/TLOGF, /POSDW/TLOGF_X or /POSDW/TLOGF_EXT table


  • Standard fields are added to capture unknown EAN, Unknown Material, Original store, Original Transaction, Original POS etc in POSDTA


Below Is a Comparison Chart that explains some of the key differences between POSDM and POSDTA.

*SLT - System Landscape Transformation - This tool is used to replicate Master data from SAP ECC into SAP CAR based on change pointer triggers.



Aram Kalyanasundaram.
0 Kudos


Thanks for nice article. I have one query. In our landscape currently POSDM with BW(though BW using only for POSDM) and the POS Data comes through XI to POSDM(BW) from a POS server(3rd party). Now if we deploy the SAP CAR how the data will be received by SAP CAR ?
Active Participant

You should use the IDOC /POSDW/POSTR_CREATEMULTIPLE and the Badi integration. Maybe using SAP PI/PO to map and generate Idoc.


0 Kudos
Thanks .. I have one more question. Currently we have ECC 6.0 EHP 8, which DB size 6 TB. And POSDM(in BW) is having 200 GB DB size. Now we have one query, we will convert into S4Hana Retail. Now if we do sizing of SAP CAR, its asking for ERP data replication and CAR sizing become very much high. My question is, if previously POSDM was having only Master data then why CAR is having transaction(sales) data replicated into CAR ?


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Where will you host the data ? Which retention ? You should send a first sizing request and require an expert insight. Let us know if expertise required.
0 Kudos
Hi, Amaury,


In SAP CAR there is option sales data to be replicated to SAP CAR. Is it mandatory ?


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SAP CAR include Application Bundle, including POSDTA (POS Data Transfer & Audit)

You will have to send the sales "receipt" (business transaction) to POSDTA through Idoc

then, POSDATA will send the details or agregated data to connected systems (like ECC, FnR, FMS, BW etc...)

I do not understand what do you mean by replicating sales data, SAP CAR is the repository, it will get replicated Master Data with SLT from ERP Core Solution


0 Kudos

Please see the image of CAR, here its mentioned that CAR will get Master data, Inventory Data and Sales document data will be replicated from Source ERP system via SLT.
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The answer is in your question and answer.

CAR will get master data replicated by SLT as well as some transactional data for real-time analytics purpose

CAR via POSDW gets the POS receipts and sends agregated sales to ERP (Idoc)

Will will replicate Inventory Data for feeding IM with unprocessed sales data (not yet proceed in pipe dipsatcher but quantity already sold in store)
0 Kudos
Hi Amaury/Hossain - Its great to see some interesting topics being discussed here, however I am afraid this is the right place to do so.Please raise all your queries in SAP Customer Activity Repository group where they can be answered by one of the group members quickly.


Active Contributor
Hi Aram,

First of all thank you for sharing the information. I was looking for the same to convince my customer to upgrade SAP POS DM to SAP CAR. My customer is running SAP POSDM in BW with HANA database and therefore when I check the comparison chart I find contradictory views.

We are running POS DM 1.0 on HANA where we have data in POS DM with uncompressed format in table /posdw/tlogf. We do have customization option to store the extension in separate table.

With worklist index POS DM can store the unprocessed sales in /posdw/tlogmi table.

We still follow traditional approach to extract master data which gives added advantage if we upgrade to CAR as well as differentiating sales channel and updating cost(with SAP Standard) will be possible.

No doubt there are numerous things introduced in SAP CAR but here customer is not interested to make use of them and happy with their current tools. We are simply looking for POS DTA at this moment.

If you think I missed anything that could add advantage please let me know.



Hi Vikrant,


Thanks for reaching out to me with your queries, which are quite common amongst the retailers who are already running POSDM.Here is my take.

In regards to /POSDW/TLOGF table, this is available only in POSDM on HANA, however not there in traditional POSDM system(which is why I mentioned it as oracle database).Now your next question comes into play..What is the benefit if customer is already having POSDM on HANA.Well, the Fiori inbuilt reports are available which directly access TLOGF tables.And also DDF/UDF will be utilising Transactional data from TLOGF which is not available in POSDM on HANA.In POSDM on HANA you don't have /POSDW/TLOGF_X table which is being introduced in POSDTA(CAR) and using this you can keep the custom fields in this table, to reduce the load on POSDW/TLOGF table as this will be the key table that will be accessed during inbound and also by other consuming applications of CAR.

Your next query is on Inventory Visibility - POSDM does have TLOGMI for worklist, however this is not updated real time.In case of POSDTA-CAR as you may be aware SLT is a prerequisite which does real time replication of master data from ECC including MARD which contains the stock data.Using this data and the TLOGUS table update you will always have the real time visibility of your stock/store/date combination.Using HANA VDMs you have the ability to view current stock position- processed/unprocessed sales and also Cross Company Stock in Transit almost like real time(this feature is definitely not there in POSDM)

When it comes to SLT replication, you have a greater advantage of master data being sync between ECC and POSDTA(CAR) and this will help to a great extent in terms of reducing the master data errors(unknown EAN/Article etc).

Also in CAR you have additional standard fields provided to capture Unknown EAN/Article number to be stored in TLOGF table and also the original store/transaction/date etc in case of return/other store returns etc.This gives good insight when you do sales analytics using standard fields in /POSDW/TLOGF table.

Cost price determination is another key feature, using which you can straight away calculate the Gross Margin of the product/store.

As you may be aware DDF/UDF/OSA/MTDM/PMR etc are other key components of CAR.What we need to understand is CAR is not just another product but its a Foundation powered by HANA and this is used to onboarding all the other components to give a 360deg view of Sales/Stock/Customer Analytics etc all under one roof.

So you are right POSDTA is the first logical step in the CAR journey by enabling SLT for real time master data sync between CAR/ECC.








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Thanks Aram.
0 Kudos
Hi Aram - I was really a good article to have a quick glance. A quick question. When you say transaction data replication from ECC to CAR, does it include the sales orders and customer deliveries?


0 Kudos
Thanks Selva.Yes, you are right.As long as the name of the ECC tables are available in the list of SLT supported tables, it can be replicated from ECC to CAR.

See the below link for more details.As per CAR 4.0 FPS01, there are 203 ECC tables supported for SLT replication into CAR

NOTE : After clicking the above link,scroll down and see the bottom left section for SLT tables list link which you can click and download.

Hope it helps.



0 Kudos
Hi, My company is exploring to replace POSDM 1.0 running on BW7.5 with CAR. We have two options to go for BW on HANA and BW/4HANA and perhaps S/4HANA in the long run. My question is, what will be the difference running CAR on these 3 options, especially the first 2 (i.e. CAR with BW on HANA vs CAR with BW/4HANA)
0 Kudos
Hi Vikrant , I am new to Sap car and i need training any suggestions on that. or can you help me regarding this
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Please Tell me about it.

Car is not available in standard S/4 HANA?

POS-Car-standard S/4 HANA(ERP)

Is there a solution that can work together?

Best Regards,

Kenji Eimura
0 Kudos
Hi Kenji,


CAR is not part of S4/HANA, its a separate system and it requires separate license. Ofcourse CAR be integrated with S/4HANA with the help of SLT and it can be integrated with POS with a help of any middleware(SAP PI works better with CAR,ofcourse other middlewares can be used as well). The best part about CAR is it can be integrated with ECC/S4, POS, CRM, Hybris, F&R etc.


0 Kudos

Hi Aram-san,

Thanks for the answer.

To be sure, the system flow below?


CAR - PI - standard S/4 HANA(ERP)


Best Regards,

Kenji Eimura



Hi Kenji,


Inbound to CAR

1.POS - PI - CAR (Sales transactions)

2.S/4 - SLT - CAR (Master data that updates CAR HANA DB)

3*.S/4 - DRFOUT - CAR(Master data replication using a different data replication framework that updates DMF tables within CAR)

*3 is applicable If you are planning to use UDF/PMR and other consuming applications within CAR.

Outbound from CAR

CAR  to S/4 HANA (via standard idocs such as WPUUMS,WPUBON,WPUTAB etc.)

*Outbound integration to various other systems is also possible such as BW,F&R,Hybris etc.


Hope it helps.



0 Kudos

Hi Aram-san,

Thanks for the answer.

Thank you for your very attentive support.

Best Regards,

Kenji Eimura
0 Kudos

Hi Vikrant,

My client is currently using POSDM - RTLPOSDM 100_731.
Until when can he use this component? On-premise SAP POS DATA Management for Retail License.

If a version upgrade is necessary, what would be the best path for migration, given that the customer is already on S4HANA 1809.



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