From 1902 release Data workbench is the only tool which is used for migrating data and the previous migration tool (migration template and mass data maintenance) is obsoleted. Now Data workbench is also having an advantage of creating custom templates and import of attachments which is not present in previous migration tool.
Overview of Data Workbench:
- This is used for migrating legacy data in to SAP Cloud for Customer.
- Data is exchanged with a specific format i.e, (.CSV ) files.
- Mostly used by “Admins” during migration of data from legacy and “Users” during ongoing business in day to day activities.
Migration of Data is divided in to four steps:
- Prepare data
- Simulate Run
- Import data
- Validate import.
Terminology to understand before Import of data:
Insert: During the import of data if we select the operation “Insert”, it means new data is created and any modification of existing data is rejected. Ex: Create new accounts.
Upsert: During the import of data if we select the operation “Upsert”, it means new data will be created and also there is possibility of modification of existing data, also we can enhance an account like adding account notes. Ex: Create new accounts and modify existing accounts.
Types of Import data: Three types.
- Import of data for complete business object.
- Import of data for Individual object.
- Import data by using custom templates.
- Import of data for complete business object:
- In order to import the complete new Business object (Ex: creation of New Accounts in Cloud for Customer) select the Complete business object and Insert operation.
- Up on selecting the Object-Accounts, system will download the archived zip folder which contains Field definitions, code list and templates related to different Business objects (Ex: Accounts).
Field definition file contains header data, Property name of the field, Data type, Max length, code list entity and whether the field is Mandatory or not.
Code list these are reference files where system maintains all possible codes of corresponding Business objects.
Templates is the one which maintains the header data of corresponding Business object in to Cloud for Customer.
While filling the template “External Key” is the mandatory field which references the legacy system data.
- Insert and Upsert operations are controlled by External keys.
Ex: During “Insert” if External key is already present in the system then system will reject the creation of corresponding data if not then system will create new data (account) in Cloud for Customer.
- In every Template the “External key” and “Corporate Account external key” helps in checking for duplication of records in the system.
Ex: In order to associate the Account with Account address then the External key of “Accounts” should be placed in “Corporate Account external key” of Account address file such that no duplicate records will be created in the system.
- Once the file is ready then archive the file and upload in to Cloud for Customer with Insert operation.

- Once the file is uploaded we can preview the data that we are importing and there is also an option of “Simulation mode” which is recommended to run before importing the data. In this mode we can simulate the data and view errors but data is not saved in simulation mode.
- To validate the data after uploading the file there are two options.
- Sample data: System checks validation on first twenty records like data type, length etc., from the file.
- All Data: System checks validation on all the records that are present in the file which takes more time to complete the validation than sample data.
- The next step is code list mapping i.e mapping the external codes of legacy to internal code of Cloud for Customer(This is required when the code values in data file is not matching with Cloud for Customer internal codes).
- Finally Review and Import the data.
- Check the status of Imported data under Monitor view under Data workbench.
Repeat all the above steps that are performed under Insert and the difference here by selecting
“Upsert” operation is that we can create new data and also can modify the existing data.
2. Import of data for Individual object:
By selecting the option Individual object, we can import individual objects Ex: Import of Accounts, Account address, contacts etc., separately rather than in group (Complete object) which is performed under Complete business object and all the remaining steps are similar to above.
The custom field data can also be added in data workbench template during Upsert in order to achieve this, we need to map the custom filed to the corresponding field under field definition of OData Services.
Here we have three operations.
- Insert: Data with new external key is created, existing data is rejected.
- Upsert: Data with new external key is created, existing data is updated.
- Update: Updates existing data using Object ID’s, use exported data file.
- The prerequisite before “Update Operation” is the data first has to exported. In order to achieve this, go to “Export” work center and export out the required data. Ex: Copy the required data of External keys for which you want to update the data and put the copied data by using filters as per below screen shot and click on Export.
- Now go to Monitor work center, check the status of export file and download the same.
- Modify the required data from the downloaded export file and submit the file with “Update operation” from Import work center.
- Once file gets imported successfully, go and check the status of file under “Monitor” work center.
Import of Attachments:
Attachments can also be added to the Accounts by selecting the option “Attachments” under Import work center.
- In order to achieve this again the first is to Prepare data.
- Similarly, as above we need to download the Account attachment folder which contains two files.
- Manifest file- This is used to map the business object with the attachments that we want to upload.
In the file we need to provide the file path (from which system will upload the attachments) and also we have the option to give web links in the file.
- Corresponding Field Definition Manifest file.
- Once data is prepared archive the files in to ZIP file.
- Again repeat the below steps.
Upload the prepared data file under Import work center by selecting the options “Import”.
Once file imported successfully, go to “Monitor” work center and check the status of the file.
3. Import of data by using Custom Templates:
The Business users can maintain their own data by creating a custom file with header data along with records which are to be maintained and mapping the data with Cloud for Customer fields.
After mapping the fields, code list mapping need to be done against the internal codes in Cloud for Customer.
- First we need to create custom template under “Migration Templates” work center, by selecting the corresponding Business object to which template needs to be created.
- Now select the file (the file prepared by User to maintain the data in Cloud for Customer) which already created for which template needs to be created.
- In the second step map the fields of header data from the file (.CSV) to the structure fields of selected business object by drag and drop.
- In the third step map the codes in data file to the internal codes in Cloud for Customer(Code list mapping).
- Finally click on create template.
- Once the template created, the remaining steps all are similar like go to Import Work Center and upload the file by selecting a template option & click on Import.
- Go to “Monitor” work center and check the status of the file.

Data workbench Supports standard, enhanced and custom business objects. It is automated and manual mapping of import data to business objects. Also, detailed error logging can be checked under the monitor view along with Email notification with corresponding error. Administrators and Users have different authorizations.