This blog will help you to establish a navigation (link) call to another application (UI) from custom field in custom OWL.
Most of the custom requirement for the new solution will be designed based on the interaction of the existing business applications like Customer, Sales Order, Opportunity, etc., means few of the standard fields would be attached to the custom fields and then form as a report or OWL UI or any.
For example: Here customer account UI (TI – Thing Inspector) could be called from custom OWL UI. Standard Customer Account field like “Account Number” is added to OWL and assigned to "Link" as a Display Type in properties.
Firstly, add association to Customer in custom BO.
association ToCustomer to Customer.
In OWL UI, Add new field and bind to SAP_ToCustomer under custom BO (Select BO Model).
Go to Controller and create Outport:
Add Key Parameter with binding of SAP_ToCustomer, as shown below.
SAP_ToCustomer field will be added automatically when you add ASSOCIATION to CUSTOMER in BO.
Create OBN Navigation:
Create new OBN Navigation and assign Standard Object "Customer" BO Model under Business Partner/Global name space. This function will navigate to the Customer Account TI UI with the help of Outport created above.
Now, Create Event Handler to trigger outport:
Create new event handler to fire output as shown below.
Hope you understand and get some basic idea on UI customizing for the navigations.
Chandra Gajula.