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In this document I will discuss a few steps which could enhance the performance of Agent Inbox search. Off course we all know Agent Inbox performance could be improved if it is integrated with HANA but following the below mentioned steps would also improve the performance of Agent Inbox.

The performance improvement will only be useful for Lean search profiles for Agent Inbox . The below mentioned diagram shows the configuration details of Agent Inbox Profile . Folowing is the SPRO path for Agent Inbox profile creation : Customer Relationship Management>Interaction Center WebClient>Agent Inbox>Define Inbox Profiles.

The lean search checkbox is marked for the inbox profiles .

Now the following simple steps needs to be done for performance improvement for Agent Inbox search :

  • In SAP Easy Access menu Go to : Interaction Center>Interaction Center WebClient>Administration>Agent Inbox>Process Data for Inbox-Specific Searches ( Transaction CRM_IC_INDEX_LOAD)
  • In the dropdown Inbox Item Type select ONEORDER
  • The list of items shown are the transactions which had been defined in the different Agent Inbox profiles .

  • If there is a difference between the source and target entries for transactions then the transactions are not indexed for search.
  • For those transactions we would have to first remove the target entries using the target button .

  • We can schedule the job in parallel threads as shown above. The Test Mode check box needs to be unchecked
  • After remove activity has been completed please press update to align the indexes of the transaction

  • This activity can also be run in parallel threads as shown. The Test Mode check box needs to be unchecked

Following the above steps can considerably improve the Agent Inbox performance.

Hope the information shared helps others in the community .

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