I would like to thank my colleagues Mohsin, Kishore and Umesh who worked very hard with me to complete the scenario of Downpayment process mapping from SAP CRM Service Module to SAP ECC module. I would like to thank SAP as well for their help and support in making this end to end process work for us.
The aim of this blog is to highlight the Downpayment process mapping from SAP CRM to SAP ECC in a service scenario where the Downpayment is received from the customer at the time of creating the confirmation transaction in SAP CRM which is created as a follow up to the service order in SAP CRM and its end to end integration process with SAP ECC. This blog mainly highlights the changes to be done, the challenges faced and the process mapping which needs to be done when there is a SAP CRM service module at the front end and SAP ECC module at the backend to perform the billing for services rendered to customer. To know the entire Downpayment process mapping in SAP ECC module please refer to the below blog. This blog will go one step ahead and highlight the mapping of the Downpayment process from SAP CRM module which will flow into SAP ECC module.
The blog assumes that the integrations are done for mapping of the service confirmation created in SAP CRM which triggers the debit memo request in ECC to perform the billing to the customer for the services rendered.
All other process steps like posting of Downpayment requests through transaction code F-37 and recording of Downpayment receipts through transaction code F-29 in the finance module, Business function activation as explained in the above earlier blog remain the same.
This scenario is pertaining to order based billing in the SAP ECC side as this pertains to billing of services rendered.
Overview of Integrations:
The main condition types AZWA and AZWB which are required for the Downpayment process need to be mapped in SAP CRM and SAP ECC modules. Post that these condition types need to be assigned in the respective pricing procedures which are linked to the service confirmation and the debit memo request transactions.
Please note no such standard condition types exist in SAP CRM module, the same needs to be created by copying the condition type AZDR which exists and then modified as per the screen shots explained below. Please note the highlighted areas in yellow in both my screen shots below are very important for the end to end process to work.
- Below is the screen shot of AZWA condition type in SAP CRM which is mapped in the same way as done in SAP ECC.

Screen Shot of AZWB condition type in SAP CRM

3) Below is the screen shot of the AZWA and AZWB included in the pricing procedure in SAP CRM. The pricing procedure is then assigned to the confirmation transaction

4) Likewise these condition types need to be included in SAP ECC side in the pricing procedure. The pricing procedure is then assigned to the debit memo request transaction

5) When the confirmation is created in SAP CRM the Downpayment which is received from the customer is recorded in the condition type AZWA manually.

6) The same is recorded automatically in the SAP ECC side in the Debit Memo Request(Order document). The AZWB would come blank as per screen given below in SAP ECC side which is correct. Once the Finance transactions are posted in the SAP ECC module then the entire Downpayment amount with the tax gets transferred to AZWB condition type in the final invoice which is the Debit Memo document which is created through vf01 transaction code.

7) The main challenge in this scenario is that when the Debit Memo Request transaction gets triggered in SAP ECC from the confirmation in SAP CRM, the internal table XKOMV, main table KONV and field in condition control field (KSTEU) was set to
E for AZWB condition record. If this is set to
E then the value in AZWB does not come in the billing document in SAP ECC after recording the Downpayment receipt which is done through transaction code f-29 in SAP ECC. The same needs to be changed to
D for the value to come in the invoice in AZWB condition type.
😎 The Pricing flag field (KBFLAG), main table KONV, internal table XKOMV is set to
blank for AZWA condition record if this is blank the AZWB condition type does not appear at all in the billing document in SAP ECC after the down payment receipt is done in f.29 transaction code. This needs to be changed to
0040 for the AZWB condition type to appear in the billing document in SAP ECC.
9) The changes were done in the standard SAP
USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE where the code changes were written in the SAP ECC side before the debit memo request could be triggered.
10) Please note the above mapping of the Downpayment process and milestone billing's do not go hand in hand in SAP CRM module and do not integrate with the SAP ECC module( if you try to change the item category to milestone billing in the confirmation transaction and if you enter the Downpayment condition type AZWA manually in SAP CRM, this condition type will not flow into the debit memo request transaction in SAP ECC.
11) If there are scenarios where the customer gives the Downpayment on certain percentage completion's of the service order, and customer asks for multiple final invoices based on percentage completion's scenario's it makes sense to create multiple confirmations having similar values to percentage completion's. In this case there would be multiple confirmation's triggering multiple Debit Memo Request's each having its own Downpayment recorded in condition type AZWA and having multiple final invoices as per customer's requirement's.
12) However if the customer asks for one final invoice and there are again certain percentage completion's of the service order then create only one confirmation and record the Downpayment value in condition type AZWA the same will trigger the debit memo request in SAP ECC but when posting the Downpayment received from the customer in transaction code F-29 and also recording the Downpayment receipt in F-37 transaction code you can divide the amount in installments and create multiple Downpayment postings. You can give the customer multiple Downpayment invoices from the FI module but trigger only one final invoice in the SAP SD module again based on the customer requirement's you can adjust your process in SAP.
For ex.
If your service order is having the job value INR 1,00,000 and there is percentage scenario of job completion like 50% 30% and 20%. the invoicing which needs to be done to the customer is on a progressive billing and there is a Downpayment scenario involved, then create three confirmations of value INR 50,000, INR 30,000 and INR 20,000 and have the Downpayment values recorded in every confirmation transaction in condition type AZWA as per the terms and conditions agreed with the customer. These would in turn trigger 3 Debit Memo Requests in SAP ECC having the correct billing values and will contain the Downpayment values in condition type AZWA , once all Downpayment steps are completed which are F-37 and F-29 three separate final invoices will be triggered in SAP ECC to the customer.
13) If the total Service Order Value is INR 10000 and the tax value is INR 500 and customer is paying the Downpayment upfront of INR 10500, do not record the entire amount of Downpayment of INR 10500 in condition type AZWA in the confirmation transaction in SAP CRM as this will lead to condition type AZWB coming blank in the Debit Memo document which is not correct. The Downpayment value which is recorded in AZWA should always be equal to the order value or less than the order value, while posting the Downpayment in F-29 transaction code in the finance module the Downpayment can be recorded with the tax part which is INR 10500. Once this transaction is recorded and you create the final invoice the condition type AZWB will then show INR 10500 which is the correct process.
1) Once the above changes were done in the user exit on the SAP ECC side, the entire process flow of Downpayment works correctly from the SAP CRM module to the SAP ECC module.
2) I have not included the AZDI condition type which pertains to rounding please use the AZDI condition type if the business scenario demands a rounding difference.
3) All other process of recording the Downpayment requests and payment receipts remain the same in SAP ECC there is no change in the SAP ECC process of Downpayment.
4)The solution given below is not a SAP Standard solution and it does require code tweaks for the end to end process to work. Please test all concerned scenarios so that it does not impact the day to day transaction flows from confirmation's to Debit Memo Requests where down payment process is not in consideration or not recorded at all.
5) I hope that this blog post gave you some real time insights of mapping the Downpayment process and the challenges faced when mapping this process from SAP CRM module to the SAP ECC module where service scenario's were prevailing which contained Downpayment 's based on percentage job completion's.
Kind Regards
SAP S/4 Hana Sales & SAP C4C Service Cloud(Certified)