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By writing this Blog, I would take this opportunity and share my knowledge and experience gained in my clients projects with SCN community.

SAP Cloud for customer Marketing function has capability to send email campaigns. For sending the email campaign, it required to build good email newsletter. This document focuses on the creation of email template in SAP Cloud for customer as well as building of newsletter in user machine.  Following steps should be followed to utilize the capability of Email template in Cloud for customer:

  1. Create Newsletter
  2. Enable Content Workcenter for your Business Role
  3. Steps to create Email template in cloud for customer

Create Newsletter

To execute the email campaigns, it is important to have the email newsletter( Email ) available. Creation of email newsletter is own by different people based on their size of the organization. There are many freeware tools available to build the newsletter and sometimes it required little of html coding as well. If you do not have any dedicated tool to build the newsletter then you can also use the capability of MS word. You design your newsletter in the Microsoft word and  ave your newsletter as ‘Web Page’. As part of this document , we will use the Microsoft word to create the newsletter and save it in local machine.

Enable the 'Content' workcenter for your business role

Following is screenshot who you can enable the content for your business role.

Steps to create Email Template in Cloud for customer

Step 1: Go to Marketing Workcenter --> Content and choose Email template from New button as described in the following screenshot:

Step 2: Now fill the required information like Name of the template, communication category as described in screenshot below:

Now fill up, from Name and from Email Address. It is important to furnish this information to make your receivers aware, from where they received the email.  After furnishing all details, save and open your Email Template.

Step 3:   In this step, you required to furnish the information like Subject, Email Newsletter, Language. As described in below screenshot language section.

Click on Add Button:

And now, upload your email newsletter that you saved in local machine.

Step 4: Now Email template is ready in preparation status. Now activate this template from Action button. After activation, this email template will get available for campaign execution.

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