In my previous blog I’ve explained in detail the fundamental aspects of Inventory visibility and its benefits
This blog briefly explains some key facts about the Inventory Visibility component in general.
1.First and foremost fact is Inventory visibility solution works only in two-step processing of idocs (in other words POS data has to be aggregated first and then sent as outbound idoc from CAR to ECC – for example WPUUMS idocs).It is quite important to have the confirmation sent from ECC to CAR to decrement the unprocessed sales data from /POSDW/TLOGUS table(Additional Business function activation - "RETAIL_STORE_SFWS_UI" is required in ECC to enable "Send Confirmation" flag in POS inbound profile in ECC)
NOTE: Even if WPUUMS idocs are generated from CAR to ECC using one step processing, standard Inventory visibility solution in CAR does not support this.
2.SAP CAR does not support WPUBON idocs in terms of updating TLOGUS table and decrementing the records upon successful posting of idocs, as there is no confirmation process involved(Typically this type of idocs are sent immediately at transaction level without any aggregation).
3.Even when one article failed let’s say out of 100 articles in an idoc, as part of sales postings in SAP ECC, the confirmation message won’t be sent out to CAR. This means unprocessed records stored at Article-store level will not be deleted from TLOGUS, until the entire idoc is processed successfully in ECC.
4.Standard Inventory visibility solution does not include or exclude any custom transaction types, sales item types etc. It only has MATERIALTYPE as the standard filter option to include/exclude.But more often than not this won’t be sufficient to control the data updates in TLOGUS table due to various other business requirements.
So if there is any specific transaction type for example training transaction needs to be ignored from Inventory visibility updates to TLOGUS table, then additional configuration needs to be done.
Likewise if you want to exclude any specific sale item type code for example Gift cards, then you can exclude them as well.
Hope this information is of some help.
Thanks & Regards,
Aram Kalyanasundaram