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In my last blog I mentioned the features of Grantor Program, Budgeting and Application (Introduction to SAP Grantor Management - Part I). In this blog we are going to continue exploring the capabilities of the grantor assessment and agreement.

4- Assessment

Grantor application could be assessed using SAP CRM Surveys functionality and/or BRF+ Integration.

Application assessment is defined for each application in the Grantor Program.

Manual assessment is supported by CRM Surveys. By using checklist employees assess the application; and a score is assigned to each answer. When surveys are completed a evaluation result is presented. Application Form, notes and attachments are used to support the assessment process.

Automatic assessment is delivered with SAP Business Rules Framework (BRF). Using action profile for the application, the data contained in the application form is evaluated with rule set defined in the business rules framework.

In case of a positive assessment, an application line item with the calculated amount is created
In case of a negative assessment, the application header status is set to "Rejected". In case of a negative application assessment, the action "Print Letter of Rejection“ will be offered for execution.

SAP delivers models for Grantor Suveys and Grantor BRF rules, however each implementation will require to develop their assessment based on the Grantor Procedures.

5- Agreement

Approved applications becomes "agreements".  The agreement is used to define the conditions under which grantor awards a grant to a grantee.

Agreements could be created via follow-up transaction on the application or stand-alone.

The Grantor Agreement will controls the payment statuses (authorised, requested, open and paid) for each payment type (payments, advances, repayments, holdbacks and payment recovery).

  • Advances: A payment made in advance of actual work or costs incurred. An advance must be offset by a clearing payment.
  • Payments: Funds granted to a grantee for costs incurred.
  • Repayments: A grantee may be required to repay a grant payment as part of the terms of the agreement. A repayment is a payment made from the grantee to the grantor if cost incurred were less thatn the funds advanced.
  • Holdback Amount: The amount held back in a payment until all terms of an agreement are fulfilled.
  • Payment Recovery: Funds that must be recovered by the grantor if there is an overpayment to a grantee, or by the grantee if there is an underpayment by the grantor. This amount is not taken into account in the standard Funds Management Process while a Repayment is taken into account utilising the "Forecast of Revenue" vehicle.

When the agreement is created, a funds commitment with reference to funds pre-commitment will be created.

Availability  Control Notification message are displayed on the Grantor Agreement, based on the parameters on the Budget Control System.

Once the agreement or application status in CRM is set to  “Complete” the budget is released for any budget that has not been consumed on the earmarked funds document

Funds Commitment (transaction FMZ3)

When the agreement status is set to Released, CRM sends the document to ERP for Billing (transaction GTRBILL_DISP).

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